TennCare health providers see potential upsides but still have questions over Lee’s proposed Medicaid waiver
But they also see some "positives" in the proposal to overhaul federal financing and state operations in the state's Medicaid health insurance program for 1.4 million low-income children, parents and caretakers, the disabled and some seniors.
"We still have some concerns about it, mostly around what are you talking about when you say 'efficiency,'" said
But Becker said there is a potential upside for hospitals.
The state is in the midst of a 30-day public comment period after Lee's administration earlier this month formally unveiled its proposed federal Medicaid waiver to the Trump administration. It could dramatically reshape the state's share of federal funding as well as as alter how TennCare operates, impacting hundreds of thousands of Tennesseans.
Advocates for the poor have already been ringing alarm bells over its potential impact on a program that provides health benefits to 1 in 5 state residents.
It will also impact providers as Lee, under a directive from fellow
One of the
The Lee administration argues TennCare's managed care approach has already led to an estimated
And hospitals, which already help prop up state financing of TennCare with nearly
"We're really intrigued by this shared savings approach," Becker said. "I mean, when you think about it, it makes sense. But I think it's going to be a tough sell to [the
Becker said the shared savings approach "does make sense because we do save the government -- much to my members' chagrin, because they don't get the dollars -- hundreds of millions of dollars every year."
Hospitals could use funds "to do some innovative things," Becker added. "What we've been told is to work on efficiency things, but obviously it would be things they would work with us on as well."
Officials with
Medicaid is a federal entitlement program, meaning the federal government provides an opened-ended match rate for covered people, regardless of how many come on or what a state spends. In contrast, a block grant provides a set amount. Right now, for each approximately
But under the hybrid block grant proposal,
The Trump administration has invited states to seek Medicaid block grants. But critics, including the powerful chairman of the
Regardless, Lee's proposal has support.
"BlueCross supports
If adequately funded, Chaney said, Lee's proposal "could allow
But if the federal government's ultimate goal is reducing funding from current levels, Chaney added, "the state would struggle to even maintain current TennCare levels without changing eligibility requirements or cutting benefits, and will certainly be unable to cover more people."
Chaney also said "there are some positives in what we've seen so far of the preliminary waiver request, such as the potential to transform rural health care through electronic consultation and telemedicine."
Still, he noted, "there are still a lot of unanswered details that will determine whether we can realistically improve healthcare access and quality while reducing cost."
Also keeping an eye on the waiver is the
The organizations say any alternative Medicaid proposal "must provide and ensure sustainability for the state's most vulnerable elderly population while preserving that population's choice to have nursing facility services or assisted living services when they are needed and appropriate.
"While we are still evaluating the proposal, a number of items we addressed in our earlier issue brief are noted and could lead to positive changes."
That includes a per capita spend, wage index adjustment and the exclusion of people who are dually enrolled in the federal Medicare program for seniors, as well as TennCare. Lee's waiver excludes them.
But, the
In comments to reporters when the waiver was unveiled, TennCare Director
But he said the bureau pointed them back to the legislation which "clearly didn't envision a traditional block grant. It talked about a set of money that wouldn't decrease." And if enrollment increased, then funding would as well, Roberts added.
"When we talked through that and gave them some really high level goals of what we're trying to do, again, I don't want to speak for any of those individuals, but they all seemed to understand that what we were trying to do was get a good deal," Roberts said.
Hundreds of thousands of Tennesseans "are still at risk for the benefit cuts," Bonnyman warned.
Any number of specifics in the state's plan remain vague, according to both provider groups and health advocates.
The 30-day public comment period ends
"Every waiver is subject to the comments we receive, and we're required by law to evaluate those and respond to those," TennCare's Roberts said. "And we historically often do make tweaks to various designs based on comments that we get."
(c)2019 the Chattanooga Times/Free Press (Chattanooga, Tenn.)
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