Ten Things That President Trump Can Do to Support the ‘Forgotten’ American
In recognition of National Consumer Protection Week, the
* Side with members of the military, students, and seniors over the special interests. While
* Make Privacy Protection a Priority. More and more Americans are concerned about their personal privacy and the security of their financial information. In fact, these concerns are discouraging many Americans from shopping online, using the internet to find information about health or other sensitive issues, downloading apps, and engaging in online activities that can help make their lives easier and save them time and money. By putting consumers in the driver's seat when it comes to use of their personal data, the President can insure that corporations can't invade our homes, pocketbooks, purchase habits or personal preferences and activities. The President can ensure that our information is just that, our information--private, secure and in our control. Contact:
* Reduce the Pain at the Pump. Even at today's lower gas prices, buying the gasoline needed for getting to work, shopping, and family transport takes one of the biggest bites out of a family's budget. Maintaining reasonable and achievable fuel economy standards for cars and light trucks will save consumers money--dollars that will go to other needed services and goods, boosting the economy. It's a win, win, win, as consumers, car companies, and workers benefit. The only losers are the foreign oil importers. Consumers have consistently and overwhelmingly supported strong standards that they know will protect them against the volatility of gas prices. Gas prices will go up again. Contact:
* Require Financial Advice for Retirement to be in the Consumer's Best Interest. Many times the President has stated that the needs of Main Street Americans must be put ahead of
* Protect Our Food Supply. The President can protect our historical right to safe food. By protecting consumers from unsafe food, consumers will buy more and have increased confidence in the millions of
* Make Auto Insurance Work For All. The Federal Insurance Office (FIO) reports that 18 million Americans live in ZIP Codes where state-required auto insurance is unaffordable. Without insurance, good driving, financially struggling Americans have a terrible choice: either drive illegally or give up their car. The lack of a car leads to lower-paying jobs, less involvement in children's schools and poor shopping options. The FIO has the authority to develop insurance solutions for underserved Americans in auto, home and life insurance so that the states, themselves, can help inner city and other underserved communities. Efficient, fairly priced insurance is something that all American's deserve a right to and will go a long way to addressing the President's stated concerns about America's inner cities. Contact:
* Give Consumers Legal Choices. Forcing consumers to use industry-sponsored arbitration when they have a problem with a product or service is simply un-
* Foster State Retirement Savings Plans. Currently, more than half of workers don't have access to a retirement savings plan at work.
* Expose
* Give Consumers the Information They Need to Make Smart Choices. The government can and should make critical information collected at taxpayer expense available to all Americans. For example, SaferProducts.gov is an online database where consumers, government agencies, public safety officials, health care professionals, and child service providers can report potentially dangerous products and search reports that others have submitted. gov is growing, easy to use, and provides helpful information to the consumers thereby insuring a free, fair and safe marketplace. SaferProducts.gov empowers consumers who can then vote for safer, better performing products with their hard earned dollars. Preserving and strengthened this service will help identify great American products and put the "bad apples" on notice. SaferProducts.gov provides true choice for American consumers. Contact:
Consumer Protections are Marketplace Protections
Clearly, the President supports the importance of a free and healthy marketplace. Leveling the playing field for consumers will dramatically improve market functions. Consumers expect that our food and products will be safe, that our financial markets will be fair, that our privacy will be protected and that our pocketbook savings will increase. These rights, critically important to the average American family, are under attack by Washington lobbyists and
[Category: Consumer Services]
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