T. Rowe Price Study Finds Strong Correlation Between Financial Performance of Companies and Quality of Their 401k Plans
Investment Weekly News
By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Investment Weekly News -- T. Rowe Price Retirement Plan Services Inc. announced the findings of its latest research study, "Where 401(k) Design and Corporate Profitability Cross Paths," which found a strong correlation between corporate financial performance and overall 401(k) plan quality, regardless of a company's industry or retirement plan size. The study also found significant correlations between four success metrics of a 401(k) plan and four measures of corporate profitability.
The study evaluated 485 401(k) plans with more than $50 million in assets and a BrightScope® Rating, which served as a proxy for 401(k) plan quality, at 332 U.S. publicly traded companies. The study is available here.
Keywords for this news article include: Business, Finance and Investment, Investment and Finance, T. Rowe Price Group Inc.
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