Sens. Sullivan, Murphy to Introduce Bill to Better Coordinate Health Care & Social Services
The senators' bill would enable states to leverage local expertise and technology through public-private partnerships to connect individuals with food, housing, child care, job training and transportation--services that invariably impact a person's health care outcomes. The goal of the legislation is to connect health care providers with existing social services in order for every American to be able to access quality care, regardless of where they live.
"What we know in
The LINC to Address Social Needs Act would:
* Direct grantee states to enter into a public-private partnership with one or more private, non-profit, or philanthropic organizations (including tribal entities) that can manage the resources and referral networks, provide technical assistance, and support participants.
* Provide one-time seed funding for grantee states to facilitate cross-sector referrals, communication, service coordination and outcome tracking between social service providers and health care organizations.
* Offer flexibility for individual states to design networks that are unique to their needs.
* Direct grantee states to identify one or more health outcome goals, along with a plan to achieve these goals through a community integration network.
* Direct grantee states to implement a self-sustaining financial structure to support the community integration network within three years of receiving the grant funds.
* Direct the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to evaluate the success of the networks, along with recommendations, in a report to
The legislation is endorsed by Aligning for Health,
"As an organization dedicated to catalyzing the change that will break down the barriers between health and social service organizations, we applaud Senators Sullivan and Murphy for their leadership in introducing the LINC to Address Social Needs Act," said
"We look forward to the passage of this bill to be able to carry forward the work of 2-1-1, fortifying the provider relationships--private, non-profit, government, health providers--and continuing to connect individuals with resources that are needed by so many right now," said
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