Sen. Lee Introduces Pro-Life Legislation
"Each human life, born and unborn, has immeasurable dignity and worth. The lives of both an unborn baby and her mother matter; and healthcare should heal, protect, and preserve both their lives. Our laws and use of taxpayer money should reflect that truth, which is why I have introduced these bills,"
The Abortion is not Health Care Act would end the tax deductibility of abortions and clarify that this gruesome practice is not health care. Currently, the
Cosponsors include: Sens.
The Protecting Life in Health Savings Accounts would end the preferential tax treatment of abortion in health savings accounts. Current law allows individuals to use tax-advantaged funds from health savings accounts (HSAs), flexible savings accounts (FSAs), health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs), Archer medical savings accounts (MSAs), and retiree health accounts for the "medical expense" of abortion. This legislation would amend the Internal Revenue Code to explicitly prevent abortions from getting a special tax-advantage through use of these accounts.
Cosponsors include: Sens.
The Protecting Life in Foreign Assistance Act would ensure that our foreign aid is not funding or promoting abortions overseas. In 1984, President
Cosponsors include: Sens.
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