Sen. Kennedy Raises Concerns About Flood Insurance and FEMA's Cost Hikes
Risk Rating 2.0 enacted the biggest change in history to the way the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) calculates flood insurance premiums. Risk Rating 2.0 significantly raises flood insurance premiums on Louisianians who depend on NFIP to protect their homes from natural disasters.
Key comments from Kennedy's questioning include:
Kennedy: "
Theodorou: "It's my understanding of that Milliman did. I have reviewed . . ."
Kennedy: " . . . Who owns the algorithm? Does Milliman own it? Or does
Theodorou: "I would say it's, it's the NFIP."
Kennedy: "Do you know that for a fact?"
Theodorou: "I do not know that for a fact."
Kennedy: "And you don't know that for a fact because
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Kennedy: " . . . they won't show anybody their algorithm. And, if you trust government,
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Kennedy: "Why does
Quinn: "I don't know, but I know they do very, very well, as does the Nielsen law firm. And they, they get paid quite well for perpetrating or supporting fraud, Sir."
Kennedy: "And they get paid for not paying claims, not for paying them, right?"
Quinn: "That is correct."
Kennedy: "Why does
Quinn: "We have asked that question over and over.
* This March, Kennedy cosponsored the Flood Insurance Pricing Transparency Act to help policyholders in
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Original text here:
Reps. Cammack, Soto Lead Bipartisan Letter to House Appropriations Committee Seeking Relief for Specialty Crop Farmers
Sen. Brown: We Need to Protect Communities, Families From Rising Flood Risks
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