Reps. Wagner, Kustoff, McAdams, and Blumenauer Introduce Legislation to Prevent Repeated Community Flooding
The Repeatedly Flooded Communities Preparation Act takes steps to address the fiscally irresponsible cycle of repeated flooding and rebuilding of communities by taking proactive steps to reduce increasing flood risks with federal resources. A version of this legislation passed the House in the 115th
"We must help regions at risk of repeat flooding become more resilient. By incentivizing communities to plan ahead for damaging floods, we can avoid continually subsidizing the rebuilding of flood-prone properties through the National Flood Insurance Program," said Rep.
"All too common natural disasters are requiring us to take dynamic action to prevent communities from being devastated by the worst impacts of the growing climate crisis," said
"The problem is simple: American Taxpayers have been paying to rebuild properties that have been repeatedly flooded for decades. This legislation is an important step towards fixing this ongoing problem. If enacted, those in flood prone areas would have the right safeguards and preparations to protect their homes and communities from this continual damage, while ultimately, saving taxpayers money. This legislation is a win-win and I look forward to its passage," said
"Making smart investments in our communities and targeting mitigation efforts at properties most likely to flood is a win for homeowners and taxpayers," said
"This bill will help reduce the number of homes and businesses that flood over and over again. Flooding is a national problem that affects all 50 states, and repeatedly flooded properties have cost the National Flood Insurance Program roughly
Under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), properties that have been flooded multiple times are consistently rebuilt without any additional plans to mitigate future flooding. These repetitive loss properties make up just one percent of those covered by the program, but result in up to 30 percent of all claims and have added up to more than
This bill incentivizes communities with a significant number of repetitive loss properties to proactively submit flood prevention plans to the
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