Rep. Scott Issues Statement on 2020 WHIP+ Reauthorization Act
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Thank you all for participating in this important business meeting today. The issues before us are of critical importance to agricultural producers across the country that have been impacted by severe disasters last year and this year.
Following Hurricane Irma in 2017, that hit my home state of
Without that immediate aid, the results can be tragic. Because of the economic toll sustained, there were some producers that committed suicide. It's heartbreaking to hear the stories that follow these ravaging storms.
The Federal crop insurance program has served as a critical risk management tool for producers, and we need more producers to participate in the program. I appreciate the leadership of our Subcommittee chair,
The severity of these disasters has required supplemental assistance, and that's why I have prioritized extending the Wildfire and Hurricane Indemnity Program Plus for 2020 and 2021.
The proposal before the Committee extends the program and makes some important updates. We have taken the base of H.R. 267, sponsored by Representative
Many Members of the Committee have helped us in putting this together, and I thank them for their tireless efforts.
And Representative
Many of these ideas are incorporated into this proposal.
And throughout this process, I am proud and grateful to have worked closely with the ranking member, GT Thompson. I sincerely appreciate your partnership.
Moving forward, I am continuing to explore longer term options for mechanisms to get aid out to producers immediately following a disaster.
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