Part IV
26 CFR Part 300
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
User Fee for Estate Tax Closing Letter
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: This document contains proposed regulations establishing a new user fee for authorized persons who wish to request the issuance of
DATES: Written or electronic comments and requests for a public hearing must be received by
ADDRESSES: Commenters are strongly encouraged to submit public comments electronically. Submit electronic submissions via the Federal eRulemaking Portal at (indicate
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Concerning submissions of comments and/or requests for a public hearing,
Background and Explanation of Provisions
This document contains proposed amendments to the User Fee Regulations (26 CFR part 300) to establish a user fee applicable to requests for estate tax closing letters provided by the
The estate tax closing letter also includes relevant procedural and substantive explanations. Addressing the potential for conflating an estate tax closing letter with a formal closing agreement, the letter confirms that it is not a formal closing agreement with the
The practice of issuing estate tax closing letters to authorized persons is not mandated by any provision of the Code or other statutory requirement. Instead, the practice is fundamentally a customer service convenience offered to authorized persons in view of the unique nature of estate tax return filings and the bearing of an estate's Federal estate tax obligations on the obligation to administer and close a probate estate under applicable State and local law. Essentially, the practice takes into account estates' and stakeholders' need for information regarding the status of an estate's Federal tax obligations in administering and closing a probate estate. Prior to
Until restrictions were added due to the ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, an authorized person was able to request an estate tax closing letter by telephone or fax. Now, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, an authorized person may request an estate tax closing letter only by fax (current procedure and details available at http://www.
C.The Continuing Impact of Portability on Estate Tax Return Filings
Portability of the DSUE amount became effective for estates of decedents dying after
D.Establishment of User Fee for Estate Tax Closing Letters
While the practice of issuing estate tax closing letters is intended as a customer service convenience to authorized persons based on an understanding of the unique nexus between an estate's Federal estate tax obligations and the estate's obligations under applicable local law for State and local estate and inheritance taxes and to administer and close a probate estate, the
In view of the resource constraints and purpose of issuing estate tax closing letters as a convenience to authorized persons, the
Guidance on the procedure for requesting an estate tax closing letter and paying the associated user fee is not provided in these proposed regulations.
The Independent Offices Appropriations Act of 1952 (IOAA) (31 U.S.C. 9701) authorizes each agency to promulgate regulations establishing the charge for services provided by the agency (user fees). The IOAA provides that these user fee regulations are subject to policies prescribed by the President and shall be as uniform as practicable. Those policies are currently set forth in the
The IOAA states that the services provided by an agency should be self-sustaining to the extent possible. 31 U.S.C. 9701(a). The OMB Circular states that agencies providing services that confer special benefits on identifiable recipients beyond those accruing to the general public must identify those services, determine whether user fees should be assessed for those services, and, if so, establish user fees that recover the full cost of providing those services.
As required by the IOAA and the OMB Circular, agencies are to review user fees biennially and update them as necessary to reflect changes in the cost of providing the underlying services. During these biennial reviews, an agency must calculate the full cost of providing each service, taking into account all direct and indirect costs to any part of the
An agency should set the user fee at an amount that recovers the full cost of providing the service unless the agency requests, and the OMB grants, an exception to the full cost requirement. The OMB may grant exceptions only where the cost of collecting the fees would represent an unduly large part of the fee for the activity, or where any other condition exists that, in the opinion of the agency head, justifies an exception. When the OMB grants an exception, the agency does not collect the full cost of providing the service and therefore must fund the remaining cost of providing the service from other available funding sources. When the OMB grants an exception, the agency, and by extension all taxpayers, subsidize the cost of the service to the recipients who otherwise would be required to pay the full cost of providing the service, as the IOAA and the OMB Circular directs.
F.Special Benefits Conferred by Issuance of Estate Tax Closing Letters
The issuance of an estate tax closing letter, and the return information and procedural and substantive explanations such letters provide, constitutes the provision of a service and confers special benefits on identifiable recipients beyond those accruing to the general public. Upon receipt of an estate tax closing letter, authorized persons can make use of the return information and procedural and substantive explanations provided in the letter for non-Federal tax purposes, for example, to facilitate the executor's ability to make the final distribution of estate assets and to respond as needed to non-Federal tax authorities and entities, such as local probate courts, State tax departments, and private stakeholders. Further, executors of such estates can make use of the return information pertaining to the estate's Federal tax liability to avoid potential personal liability for payment of the tax under 31 U.S.C. 3713.
Moreover, letters comparable to estate tax closing letters are not universally available or provided to taxpayers filing Federal tax returns other than estate tax returns, upon request by authorized persons or otherwise. By comparison, account transcripts are universally provided by the
For these reasons, the issuance of an estate tax closing letter constitutes the provision of a service and confers special benefits to authorized persons requesting such letters beyond those accruing to the general public. Accordingly, the
G.Calculation of User Fees Generally
User fee calculations begin by first determining the full cost for the service. The
Once the total amount of direct and indirect costs associated with a service is determined, the
1.Cost center allocation
2. Determining the per unit cost
To establish the per unit cost, the total cost of providing the service is divided by the volume of services provided. The volume of services provided includes both services for which a fee is charged as well as subsidized services. The subsidized services are those where OMB has approved an exception to the full cost requirement, for example, to charge a reduced fee to low-income taxpayers. The volume of subsidized services is included in the total volume of services provided to ensure that the
3. Cost estimation of direct labor and benefits
Not all cost centers are fully devoted to only one service for which the
4. Calculating overhead
Overhead is an indirect cost of operating an organization that cannot be immediately associated with an activity that the organization performs. Overhead includes costs of resources that are jointly or commonly consumed by one or more organizational unit's activities but are not specifically identifiable to a single activity.
These costs can include:
* General management and administrative services of sustaining and support organizations;
* Facilities management and ground maintenance services (security, rent, utilities, and building maintenance);
* Procurement and contracting services;
* Financial management and accounting services;
* Information technology services;
* Services to acquire and operate property, plants, and equipment;
* Publication, reproduction, and graphics and video services;
* Research, analytical, and statistical services;
* Human resources/personnel services; and
* Library and legal services.
To calculate the overhead allocable to a service, the
The Corporate Overhead rate of 74 percent (rounded to the nearest hundredth) for costs reviewed during fiscal year (FY) 2018 was calculated based on (FY) 2017 costs, as follows:
Indirect Labor and
Benefits Costs
Non-Labor Costs +
Total Indirect Costs
Direct Labor and
Benefits Costs -
Corporate Overhead
Rate 74.08%
H. Description and Tables Showing Full Cost Determination for Estate Tax Closing Letter
I. Request Processing Costs
Requests for estate tax closing letters are processed by GS Grade 5 and Grade 8 customer service representatives. Grade 5 representatives perform 80 percent of the work and Grade 8 representatives perform the remaining 20 percent of the work. The customer service representative verifies that the request is authorized and that the address information is correct. Because a separate estate tax closing letter is prepared for each executor, responding to requests often requires more than one letter, with an average of three letters per request. It requires approximately 0.65 staff hours for a customer service representative to review the return, create the estate tax closing letters, and prepare the letters for mailing. The
Total hours allocated to the cost must also include indirect hours for campus employees. Indirect hours are calculated by multiplying the direct hours by the indirect rate for employees, which is 60 percent. Using this information,
Staff Hours 11,154
Indirect Hours (60%) 6,692
Total Hours 17,846
To determine the labor and benefits costs,
GS-5 Salary and Benefits (
GS-8 Salary and Benefits (
Total Cost Per FTE
Total FTE 8.58
Total Labor & Benefits for processing requests
2.Quality Assurance Review Costs
Outgoing estate tax closing letters are subjected to quality review performed by GS 8 Grade quality assurance professionals. Specifically, five of every 100 estate tax closing letters mailed are reviewed for quality assurance. A quality assurance professional opens the return to (1) ensure the estate tax closing letter was authorized, (2) verify that the correct information was included in the letter, and (3) verify the address information. Quality assurance professionals then document their review. On average, quality assurance professionals spend .5 staff hours to review one estate tax closing letter. The estimated labor hours for quality assurance related to estate tax closing letters are 1,294, determined as follows:
Estimated Volume of Requests 17,249
Average Number of Letters per Request x 3
Total Letters Available for
Review 51,747
Estimated Letters Reviewed (5%) 2,587
Hours per Review x 0.5
Estimated Quality Assurance Hours 1,294
Indirect Hours (60%) 776
Total Quality Assurance Hours 2,070
Total FTE 1.00
Cost Per Grade 8
Total Salary and Benefits for Quality Assurance
3.Overhead Calculation
Total Processing Labor & Benefits
Total Quality Assurance Labor & Benefits
Total Labor and Benefits
Corporate Overhead (74.08%) +
Full Cost
To calculate the cost per request,
Full Cost
Estimated Volume ^ 17,249
Cost Per Request
Proposed Applicability Date
These regulations are proposed to apply to requests for an estate tax closing letter received by the
Special Analyses
This regulation is not subject to review under section 6(b) of Executive Order 12866 pursuant to the Memorandum of Agreement (
Pursuant to section 7805(f) of the Code, this notice of proposed rulemaking will be submitted to the Chief Counsel for the
Comments and Requests for a Public Hearing
Before these proposed regulations are adopted as final regulations, consideration will be given to any comments that are submitted timely to the
A public hearing will be scheduled if requested in writing by any person who timely submits electronic or written comments as prescribed in this preamble under the "DATES" heading. Requests for a public hearing are also encouraged to be made electronically. If a public hearing is scheduled, notice of the date and time for the public hearing will be published in the
Drafting Information
The principal author of these regulations is
Statement of Availability of
List of Subjects in 26 CFR Part 300
Estate taxes, Excise taxes, Gift taxes, Income taxes, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, User fees.
Proposed Amendments to the Regulations
Accordingly, 26 CFR part 300 is proposed to be amended as follows:
Paragraph 1. The authority citation for part 300 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 31 U.S.C. 9701.
Par. 2. Section 300.0 is amended by adding paragraph (b)(13) to read as follows:
300.0 User fees; in general.
(b) · · ·
(13) Requesting an estate tax closing letter.
Par. 3. Section 300.13 is added to read as follows:
300.13 Fee for estate tax closing letter.
(a) Applicability. This section applies to the request by a person described in paragraph (c) of this section for an estate tax closing letter from the
(b) Fee. The fee for issuing an estate tax closing letter is
(c) Person liable for the fee. The person liable for the fee is the estate of the decedent or other person properly authorized under section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code to receive and therefore to request the estate tax closing letter with respect to the estate.
(d) Applicability date. This section applies to requests received by the
Acting Deputy Commissioner for Services and Enforcement.
(Filed by the
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