Property insurance reforms are working; Stay the course, Florida Legislature | Opinion
Floridians aren’t interested in political games — they want real solutions that improve their lives and ensure economic security. One of the biggest threats to that security is skyrocketing homeowners’ insurance rates, largely driven by a manufactured litigation crisis.
Thankfully, Gov.
And just two years after these significant legislative reforms, the market is seeing 11 new insurance companies come to
This much-needed relief has just begun. Staying the course with this successful formula will provide certainty for insurance companies looking to invest in
While all the factors that go into insurance rates can be complicated, inflation included, the recent good news is easy to understand.
Much of this recent success is due to eliminating incentives for billboard trial lawyers to file meritless lawsuits to earn attorney fees, putting profits over people and increasing rates for everyone else.
For years, there was a major incentive for these meritless lawsuits known as “one-way attorney fees.”
Simply put, these fees made lawsuits against your insurance carrier risk-free and created a landscape where
Clearly, these one-way attorney fees incentivized baseless lawsuits, even over very small amounts. Billboard trial lawyers stood to win attorney fees and not be responsible for paying defense fees if they won a case by just
This uneven playing field that led to mountains of litigation put insurance companies out of business and led to companies leaving
Eliminating these fees has been a big win for consumers and has led to less litigation by all metrics and more private insurers writing policies in
The impact has been significant and continues to grow. Consider this:
The success of these changes has already been substantial, and they have just started. Not only will
The facts are clear — the insurance reforms are benefiting all Floridians by stabilizing the market.
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