Our Commitment to Fighting for Health, Sexual Rights and Reproductive Justice for All Women
In the decades since Roe v. Wade affirmed a women's right to choose, we have seen that authority slowly be stripped away. In the current political era, attempts to roll back the right of women to control their reproductive functions have accelerated by trying to limit access to birth control and healthcare services and restricting safe and legal abortion.
As a recent
Rather than ensuring women have safe, reliable access to reproductive health services, laws that severely restrict the window for abortion and curtail access to healthcare ultimately put their wellbeing at risk. Yet encouraged by the new configuration of our highest court, many red states are moving to pass laws that would limit abortion access to the earliest weeks of pregnancy, before many women would even know they are pregnant. These "heartbeat bills" are seen as a lever for overturning Roe v. Wade.
At a time when infant and maternal mortality are at alarming rates in this country --
Here are several news stories and podcasts that we're following on this critical issue.
Which States Have Banned Abortion at 6 Weeks? Here's How You Can Fight the "Heartbeat Bills"
The Abortion Wars, Part 1:
The Abortion Wars, Part 2: The Illinois Option
As neighboring states move to limit abortion access,
Shadow of 2 deadly crashes hangs over Boeing’s 1Q earnings
EDITORIAL: Sacramento politicians play Santa Claus while pension problem gets worse
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