Opening Statement of Ranking Member Reed at SASC Hearing on Posture of the Department of the Army
Our nation is in the grips of an extraordinary and unprecedented crisis due to the novel coronavirus pandemic and the spread of COVID-19. Right now our most immediate concern is ensuring the public's safety by practicing social distancing and promoting vigorous personal hygiene, while taking care of those that have tested positive for the disease. At the same time,
In addition, I want to express the condolences of this committee on the death of a defense contractor from COVID-19, as well as everyone who has lost a loved one during this pandemic. We are also keeping the servicemembers, dependents, civilians, and contractors who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, as well as all Americans suffering from this disease, in our thoughts and prayers. As a nation, we must do everything we can to stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect families, workers, and businesses.
Before turning to the Army's Fiscal Year 2021 budget request, I want to commend the Army for their efforts to assist in the response to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
While the
To continue to funnel billions of dollars and military manpower to this project instead of providing resources to health care providers, first responders, and state and local governments as thousands of Americans fall ill and need urgent and immediate life-saving acute care is unconscionable.
In addition, the Army has a long history of scientific excellence concerning biological agents, and much of that work occurs at the
The President's budget request for FY2021 includes
However, implementing the NDS requires more than a reallocation of budget resources to engage in strategic competition against
To support this effort, Army Futures Command, and the eight cross functional teams tasked with overseeing the Army's major modernization priorities, have transformed the processes by which warfighting capability is delivered to our soldiers. The Army has ramped up efforts to mature technology and build experimental prototypes, as well as conduct soldier touch points to provide feedback on the effectiveness of these new systems in the field. The Army is pursuing this overhaul of its acquisition process to ensure we keep pace with our near-peer competitors by delivering cutting edge capabilities to the warfighter on an expedited timeline.
The FY21 budget request funds 19 combat training center (CTC) rotations for brigade combat teams. These rotations are critical to ensuring our soldiers are properly trained and ready to fight. However, we will likely see significant negative impacts to readiness levels as training exercises are postponed due to the COVID-19 crisis. The Army has already made the decision to cancel three CTC rotations as a result of COVID-19, and they are currently evaluating future schedules. The safety of our troops must remain our highest priority, and the Committee will be closely monitoring this situation in the weeks and months ahead.
Finally, the President's budget requests an across-the-board pay raise of 3 percent for all military personnel. However, the President has decided that civilians should only receive a 1 percent pay raise, and the budget freezes significant locality adjustments for civilians that would otherwise be due them under existing statute. At a time when we need civilians the most, this budget request sends the message that their work and contributions to our national defense are not valued, and it hinders the Army's ability to recruit the very best civilian workforce we need. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it is the need for a strong and competent Federal workforce - which the President's budget does not support.
Again, I want to thank the Chairman and our witnesses for their willingness to participate in this unusual hearing method during these unprecedented time. I look forward to working closely with the Army as we move forward. Thank you,
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