New Euclid Specialty Whitepaper – Exposing Excessive Fee Litigation Against America's Defined Contribution Plans
According to Euclid's whitepaper, excessive fee litigation involves allegations that a plan is paying too much to its investment manager and recordkeeper. Specifically, the lawsuits allege that some of the plans' investment options charged excessive fees or performed inadequately, and that the costs to administer the plan are too high. As Aronowitz explains, "Plaintiff firms are targeting defined contribution plans with a new purported standard of care that has not been officially endorsed by regulators. The lawsuits find a lower-cost mutual fund and assert that all investment fees higher than that purported benchmark constitute fiduciary negligence. Alternatively, the plaintiffs allege that a lower recordkeeper fee is available in the market, and that any higher amount that the plan charges participants is also part of a damages model from which the plaintiffs lawyers take a one-third cut. The bar to file a lawsuit with huge purported damage models is too low, and subjects all plan sponsors to the harassment of unfair and expensive litigation.
When an excessive fee lawsuit survives a motion to dismiss, plaintiff firms are able to drive huge settlements – often between
The Whitepaper suggests four systemic reforms needed to restore a fair and uniform fiduciary standard of care:
- Reform # 1 - The Need for a Uniform and Rational Standard of Care from Federal Regulators.
- Reform #2 - Federal courts must apply a uniform, rigorous standard in ruling on a motion to dismiss in excessive fee cases.
- Reform #3 - Federal courts must apply a damages cap and limit attorney fees to reduce the outsized damages.
- Reform #4 - Recordkeepers and investment providers to America's DC plans must take responsibility and bear the burden of allegations of excessive fees.
Finally, the Whitepaper suggests that every defined contribution plan is now at risk and must change how it is doing business. If you want to offer a retirement plan, you must engage in risk management to reduce plan recordkeeping and investment fees and offers advice on how to do so.
To learn more, download the Whitepaper Exposing Excessive Fee Litigation Against America's Defined Contribution Plans or visit our website at
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