N.Y. Gov. Cuomo Announces Additional Efforts to Expand Access to State-FEMA Vaccination Sites in Brooklyn and Queens
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Earlier today, Governor
The community-based vaccination sites located in
This is an exciting day. This is the largest vaccination site in the
We also have from the
The main point of this site and everything we're doing is this. The vaccine is the weapon that will win the war. We know that. The vaccine is coming. There are three obstacles. Number one, the supply of the vaccine. This nation does not have enough supply of the vaccine, period. When
The second is making the vaccine accessible and making it accessible in an equitable way. This is the truth about COVID: COVID discriminates. COVID highlighted the injustice and racism in society. It's not a pleasant statement but it is a true statement. I say that COVID created low tide in America. You know, at high tide when the water is up, everything looks nice because all you see is the surface of the water. Low tide the water goes down and then you see all the ugliness that was on the bottom. It didn't create the ugliness but it showed the ugliness. Low tide in America, COVID showed you the racism, the inequality, the injustice that was just below the surface. Under COVID Blacks died at twice the rate of whites. Just think about that for a second. Blacks died at twice the rate of whites. Hispanics died at 1.5 times the rate of whites. How shameful. Why? Because Blacks, Hispanics, poor communities, did not have the same health services, they had more pre-existing conditions, they had higher infection rates of COVID but less testing. So, now we get to the vaccine for COVID and what we're saying as a state is we have to be equitable in the administration of the vaccine and we have to correct for the injustice that we just saw perpetrated by COVID. You have to correct for the fact that twice as many Blacks died. You have to correct for the fact that 1.5 times as many Hispanics died, and you have to get the vaccine to the community where they are. And that's what this is all about.
Now, not only is this the largest site ever created in the
The third obstacle to the vaccine, and I'm glad the electeds are here and the pastors are here because they have to help us with this. It's what they call hesitancy, that the Black community especially is hesitant to take the vaccine. I don't like the word hesitancy. It's an antiseptic word. It doesn't really express what it is. It's not that people are hesitant; It's that people don't trust the vaccine. It's a lack of trust. It's a lack of trust in the system by the Black community because the Black community has gotten the short end of the stick by the system many, many, many times. People will go back to the Tuskegee experiment - they are right. There are reasons to distrust the system. People say to me, "I don't trust the
There's a body science, there's a body of evidence and literally this vaccine can save your life and it can save the lives of others. If you get a vaccine, you are less likely to spread the virus. Save your own life, save the lives of others. We're making it accessible, we're getting the priorities. The MTA is going to set up special bus routes to get people here. We have a priority for the appointment, you can walk in and make an appointment. But the vaccine only works if people take it. It only works if there's a needle in the arm.
Ask Perry in the Assembly, ask
My mother took the vaccine. My mother took the vaccine. She's in the 65-plus category. She doesn't like when I say she's in the 65-plus category. She thinks I'm giving away her age. It's not really giving away her age. She looks younger than 65, but I am 63. Biologically, my mother has to be 63-years-old. I do not believe it is a betrayal of my mother's privacy to suggest that. She does look much, much younger than 65. I would not tell my mother to take the vaccine unless I believed in the vaccine. My daughters will take the vaccine when they're ready. Please, please, please, take the vaccine.
I'm going to now turn it over to Assembly Member
Assembly Member
I also want to thank
We know that this vaccine will end this crisis. It has already taken so much from communities of color, from our NYCHA residents, from our churches, from our families. Especially, especially here in
Reverend Dr.
Now we are stronger today, thanks to
I have worked with the Governor for months, specifically on the issue of vaccine equity. Just this weekend, my fellow clergy members and I joined with the Governor, where he made clear that getting people down here will be an all hands on deck mission. We are ready to answer your call, Governor, to drive up the vaccination numbers in these communities because it's the only way that we can save lives. That's why we are hitting the phones this week to let people know in these ZIP codes that the vaccine site opens up Wednesday. The MTA is making it easier for you to get down here, so you have no excuse. And you can make appointments on-site or you can come in. I am glad to join my colleagues here in this endeavor. In this moment we must work like a community. The vaccine isn't only about keeping our lives safe. The more of us that get the shot, the safer we all are. First Corinthians reminds us that we are all one body, we have faith in each other, and that we will all fulfill our respective role. So, I implore you today to do your part. This shot will save all of us. Thank you again, Governor, for your leadership in ending this crisis.
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VIDEO of the Governor's remarks is available on YouTube here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQjB0YInDqg&feature=youtu.be) and in TV quality (h.264, mp4) format here: https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/Anw4t86dzJ
AUDIO of today's remarks is available here: https://soundcloud.com/nygovcuomo/governor-cuomo-tours-mass-vaccination-site-and-makes-an-announcement-at-medgar-evers-college
PHOTOS will be available on the Governor's Flickr page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/governorandrewcuomo
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