My Spin: A 'code blue' medical crisis
It takes a lot of chutzpah to speak to a group of doctors about healthcare, but I am known to venture into areaswhich I probably shouldn't.
Primary care physicians choose this specialty vital to patients' health, but not necessarily to their own. Fewerthan 1 in 4 new doctors make this their path. Those who do so value the personal relationships with patients andgenuinely believe this is the best approach to improve overall health.
I began my remarks by sounding a common note, namely that healthcare costs are too high. With barely fourpercent of the world's population our country spends almost half of the
Many without healthcare insurance incur large debts. NC Treasurer
The Robert Graham Center in
Of the 25 percent of new docs choosing family medicine, even fewer choose to start or join practices in ruralareas of our state, where people are poorer, less healthy and more dependent on Medicaid and Medicare. Patientloads are often greater, fewer support services (like pharmacies) are available and physician spousalemployment opportunities are fewer. Adding a family physician to a rural community provides more benefitsthan just lowering healthcare costs and improving health outcomes. It is a morale boost that can attract newbusinesses and residents.
It's a gross understatement to say we need to dramatically increase the number of primary care physicians.Medical schools at
The average graduate from medical school has spent eight years getting educated and three years in residencytraining. It is not uncommon for the new doctor to begin practice with
At least two organizations in our state, Community Care North Carolina (CCNC) and the North CarolinaAcademy of Family Physicians, are working together to encourage more family physicians. CCNC has beentrained by
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