MRUUSD budget
Real estate sales indicate that the
On Town Meeting Day 2023, the MRUUSD board of directors will ask voters to support a budget that sees a modest expenditure increase of 6.4% versus an anticipated average state spending increase of 8.52%.
The FY24 budget sees a per-pupil student spending increase of 14.47% versus an anticipated average state increase of 9.7%. This increase is largely the result of enrollment. Statewide pre-K-12 enrollment has declined almost 14% since 2004. Our district has seen a 16% swing in enrollment from 2018 to 2022.
The cost of insuring employees is a budgetary pressure. According to State Auditor Hoffer's
In December, the tax commissioner recommended a property yield that would result in a district rate of
We have an opportunity to make quality investments in our schools that are responsible and responsive. The members of the MRUUSD board of directors believe that the FY24 proposed budget deserves support. Investing in our schools has a positive return.
Education is the only governmental service enshrined in the Vermont Constitution. In keeping with the state's long tradition of supporting public education, thank you for supporting the FY24 proposed budget Town Meeting Day.
The letter writer is the MRUUSD board chair.
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