Most Kansans want Medicaid expansion. Is 2023 the year it happens?
Medicaid expansion is a popular policy among voters, in
But that popularity hasn't been enough to motivate lawmakers to pass Medicaid expansion, despite a decade of trying. Lawmakers introduced dozens of bills over the past 10 years with no success.
No matter the political pressure or bipartisan negotiating from Gov.
This year, however, the debate takes on a new urgency: A federal public health emergency enacted in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily prevents states from kicking people off Medicaid. That protection may expire in 2023. When that happens, as many as 125,000 Kansans risk losing their Medicaid eligibility.
As lawmakers prepare for another legislative session to begin in January, Kelly has promised to push for Medicaid expansion yet again.
What is Medicaid and why expand it?
Medicaid expansion would allow more people to be eligible for Medicaid benefits. Medicaid is the federal government program through which people who meet certain criteria, including income requirements, can get publicly funded health insurance.
Medicaid expansion would eliminate all KanCare eligibility criteria except income. Under expanded eligibility, anyone with a household income under 138% of the federal poverty level may qualify for Medicaid benefits, including adults without disabilities or dependents. For a family of three, that would be roughly
Medicaid expansion was mandatory when it was first enacted as a part of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. States that refused to expand Medicaid eligibility risked all of their federal Medicaid funding being cut, even funding already received.
In 2012, however, the
What would Medicaid expansion cost
If Medicaid expansion ever passes in
The federal government currently pays more than 90%, because of incentives enacted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to encourage states to sign up.
Federal funding of already existing Medicaid coverage would remain the same as it is now, around 60%, according to the
Opponents of Medicaid expansion — many of them fiscal conservatives — have cited the cost to taxpayers as a reason to oppose it.
Fiscal estimates earlier in 2022 predict the state would spend around
Why hasn't
Some of those attempts were almost successful.
In 2017, both chambers of the state legislature passed Medicaid expansion, but it was vetoed by then-Gov.
In 2019, it passed the state
In 2020 — the most recent year Medicaid expansion was seriously attempted by the legislature — an early attempt at a bipartisan deal fell apart after
That amendment didn't get the needed votes until the following year; voters rejected the amendment, called "Value Them Both" by its supporters, in
Critics of Medicaid expansion say that in addition to the cost to taxpayers, the added strain of more patients on the existing system and the absence of work requirements are also reasons to oppose it.
Critics also question the federal government's ability to manage the added administrative burden of an expanded program. But the
The bipartisan deal that failed and other proposals sought to cover the state's obligation for the remaining costs for Medicaid expansion.
The failed 2020 agreement included a provision supported by
Critics who would only support Medicaid expansion with work requirements are unlikely to get what they want as well.
Work requirements must be approved by the
Kelly has supported legislation that includes a provision that would refer Medicaid recipients to job resources, but has stopped short of requiring recipients to find jobs.
How would Medicaid expansion impact Kansans and hospitals?
An estimated 150,000 more Kansans would be eligible for Medicaid if eligibility is expanded, the state's budget director predicted as recently as May. That would include those not eligible under current KanCare rules that exclude single, child-free adults under age 65.
Medicaid expansion could also help save rural hospital systems, proponents have said, at a time when half of rural hospitals in
Rural hospitals typically treat a larger share of low-income and elderly patients who rely on government-subsidized health insurance, so adding more patients to Medicaid rolls would allow those hospitals to recoup the costs of treating uninsured patients, proponents have said.
When uninsured people have health insurance, proponents have said, they are more likely to seek medical care earlier, when medical intervention is less expensive, saving rural hospitals the cost of providing more expensive delayed care.
Nearly 75% of rural hospital closures nationwide since 2010 were in states that have not yet enacted Medicaid expansion, or waited too long for it to make a difference, according to a report from the
By keeping hospitals open, Medicaid expansion could create jobs at those hospitals, said
Voters in seven states approved Medicaid expansion by ballot measure, often over the objections or inaction of local politicians.
Three of those states border
Eight of the 11 states that have not adopted Medicaid expansion — including
After years of it going nowhere in the legislature, advocates put Medicaid expansion on the ballot in 2020. Voters approved it, but were powerless to fund it — lawmakers refused to fund it in the state's budget the following year, and the governor withdrew from the federal program.
Three Missourians who were newly eligible to enroll in expanded Medicaid sued the state when they couldn't access the promised benefits. The state Supreme Court agreed with them, and mandated that the state fund Medicaid expansion nearly a year after voters first approved it.
Kathleen Stoll: Omnibus bill could hurt those on Medicaid
Marijuana, Medicaid expansion loom at Kansas statehouse
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