Mark Farrah Associates Delves into Acquisition Impacts Utilizing New Tools
Understanding why
Key takeaways from the brief include:
Elevance Health Group offers coverage throughAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and affiliated Blues plans in 14 states, includingIndiana (IN). With nearly 3.2 million members inIndiana , Elevance is more than four times larger than its nearest competitor, UnitedHealth Group, based on total health enrollment. -
Utilizing MFA’s NEW Enrollment Analysis table, found in its Medicare Benefits AnalyzerTM (MBA) product, MFA analysts noted Elevance currently ranks third in
Indiana for Medicare Advantage (MA) enrollment, with only 134,006 members as ofDecember 1, 2024 . IU Health Plans ranks fifth. The acquisition solidifies Elevance’s third place ranking in the Indiana MA marketplace, while applying pressure on second place Humana. - In addition, the NEW Market Leaders mapping capabilities in MFA’s County Health CoverageTM, that provides a visual display of the market leader by county for a selected state, indicates Elevance is the MA market leader in counties along the perimeter of the state, while the Market Overview map shows IU Health Plans’ MA/MAPDP enrollment is clustered within the center, an area where UnitedHealth is the market leader.
- Utilizing the new County Health CoverageTM mapping features allows analysts to drill down to a more nuanced level, providing additional insights into the strategy behind the decision of the acquisition.
To read the full text of "Understanding Health Insurer Acquisition Impacts", visit the Analysis Briefs library on
MFA is a leading data aggregator and publisher providing health plan market data and analysis tools for the healthcare industry. Committed to simplifying analysis of health insurance business, our products include: Health Coverage Portal™, Medicare Business Online™, Medicare Benefits Analyzer™, County Health Coverage™, Health Plans USA™ and 5500 Employer Health Plus. Follow us on LinkedIn!
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