Luján rallies behind supporters of health care act
"America needs you," he told a packed house of some 400 people during a town hall on Republican efforts to kill President
"Use your voice ... and take to Twitter. Turns out the president-elect uses that," said Luján, a Democrat who represents
He joined faith and community leaders in the two-hour meeting at the Unitarian Universalist Santa Fe church on
Many at the meeting said they're afraid their health insurance would end immediately, leaving them destitute or, in the case of Jenny Amswych, forced to leave the country to go elsewhere to receive free care.
Amswych, who lived in
"I never thought it would be possible that the ACA would be abolished," she said of the law. "Without ACA, we would have to pay ... an unaffordable amount. Remaining here would bankrupt us."
Neil Amswychpainted an even darker picture. Referencing a biblical psalm, he said, "Many people in this country are now walking through the valley of the shadow of death."
Others at the town hall spoke of relatives needing particular medical care that is beyond their means and of their concerns that Trump also will set up a voucher program for
Luján and others spoke about other negative impacts on the state, from a loss of jobs in the health care field -- at least 5,000, Luján said, though others cited higher figures -- to increasing barriers to health care for New Mexicans who live and work in rural areas.
Luján said that, if
(c)2017 The Santa Fe New Mexican (Santa Fe, N.M.)
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Mark Pocan addresses concerns, looks for solutions in town hall meeting
Thousands rally at Faneuil Hall for Obamacare
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