LDO amendments vote postponed
The longest presentation and discussion at the
However, no vote was taken as Mayor
The amendments to Chapter 17 of the LDO relates to signage within the town.
The purpose of the amendments is to make revisions to specific development standards and to provide consistency and clarity. Some changes were to minor grammatical errors while others removed duplications and moved several ordinances to a more proper location.
One area refers signage during election season. Chapter 17.6-2.7 is proposed to read: "In nonresidential or mixed use districts during 'election season,' snipe or yard signs, shall be permitted that contain no more than six square feet in area provided that such signs are erected no more than 30 days prior to the beginning of 'one-stop' early voting under G.S. § 163-227.2 and removed no later than seven days following the applicable primary or election."
Rules relating to digital signage received a lot of conversation at the Council meeting. They were previously allowed anywhere in the town, but now are restricted to Civic, Commercial and Bypass zoning districts. They are no longer allowed in residential areas. Additionally, the displayed message must show for 10 seconds, not the previous 5, to allow motorists time to read. The board also discussed extending the period when the signs must be turned off overnight.
Current digital signs do not have to meet the new restrictions due to being grandfathered under the old ordinance. However, if the signs need to be replaced, the new rules will be applied. If not, owners will be fined for non-compliance.
Another area of change covers signs at building projects. Chapter 17.6-2.6 now reads, "Development projects under active building permits are permitted one sign per property street frontage up to 36 square feet in area provided they are removed after the applicable permit is no longer active due to completion of permitted work or permit expiration."
The proposed amendments limit where other types of signage are allowed. Windblown signage like streamers, spinners, balloons and inflatables are prohibited. Pennant-style or feather flags also are prohibited.
Flags displayed on a permanent flagpole are allowed.
No one spoke during the public comment section of the hearing.
The full list of LDO amendments can be found in the
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