House Appropriations Issues Report on Military Construction, VA & Related Agencies (Part 1 of 9)
Purpose of the Bill
The purpose of the bill is to support our military and their families and provide the benefits and medical care that our Veterans have earned because of their service to our Nation. This is accomplished through the programs funded in the bill, which provide the facilities and infrastructure needed to house, treat, train, and equip our military personnel to defend this Nation, both in
Summary of Committee Recommendation
The Committee recommends
The Committee recommendation highlights the continued commitment to our servicemembers and their families and to our Veterans. In overall discretionary budget authority, the bill is 10.1 percent above the fiscal year 2021 enacted level. While the Committee recommendation continues essential support for servicemembers and Veterans, it does not provide funds for projects or activities that lacked sufficient justification or urgency.
The programs funded in the bill for the
The total recommended funding level for military construction and family housing, is
The total recommended funding level for fiscal year 2022 for the
In addition, the Committee recommendation includes
The Committee recommendation provides a total of
Management and Oversight Initiatives
The fiscal year 2022 appropriations bill and the accompanying report address management challenges of the Federal agencies it funds, including directives to strengthen financial and program management, eliminate redundancy, and improve implementation and oversight of initiatives that support the mission of this bill. The Committee will use every means at its disposal to reduce mismanagement that results in waste, fraud, and abuse.
The Committee notes that the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2022 directs the Attorney General to continue efforts to implement training programs to cover the use of force and de-escalation, racial profiling, implicit bias, and procedural justice, to include training on the duty of Federal law enforcement officers to intervene in cases where another law enforcement officer is using excessive force, and make such training a requirement for Federal law enforcement officers. The Committee further notes that several Departments and agencies funded by this Act employ Federal law enforcement officers and are Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers partner organizations. The Committee directs such Departments and agencies to adopt and follow the training programs implemented by the Attorney General, and to make such training a requirement for its Federal law enforcement officers. The Committee further directs such Departments and agencies to brief the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on their efforts relating to training no later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act.
In addition, the Committee directs such Departments and agencies, to the extent that such Departments and agencies have not already done so, to submit their use of force data to the
VA Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM).--After at least a decade of Congressional encouragement to
Disability Claims and Appeals.--Due to the significant investments
Information Technology (IT).--The Committee continues to include bill language indicating that funds for information technology systems development are available only for the projects and in the amounts specified in the report. The bill limits the amount of funds that can be transferred into the IT account to ten percent of the total of either the source or destination account. The bill contains language that permits the reprogramming of funds among development projects upon prior notification to, and approval by, the Committees.
Stricter Control of Construction Funding.--The Committee continues to request that
Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH).--The Committee continues to provide funding for AFRH to work on deferred maintenance projects and directs AFRH to provide an expenditure plan for these projects. Additionally, the bill continues to make operations and maintenance funds available for two years to allow AFRH to make more effective use of its funds. These efforts will ensure that AFRH is well-positioned to continue to improve its standing and increase revenue for the long term. The Committee notes that efforts are underway to stabilize the
Advertising Contracts for Small Business.--The Committee understands that, as the largest advertiser in
VA-DOD Joint Venture Facilities.--The Committee recognizes the significant potential to improve access, quality and cost- effectiveness of healthcare delivery to veterans, servicemembers and their families across the Indo-Pacific through greater integration of the
Continues with Part 2 of 9
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Co-founder of billion-dollar, Dallas-based real estate firm killed in plane crash
House Appropriations Issues Report on Military Construction, VA & Related Agencies – Title II – National Cemetery Administration (Part 7 of 9)
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