Here are the candidates for Fort Worth City Council District 7 in May 6 election [Fort Worth Star-Telegram]
Age: 49
Best way for voters to reach you:Email, website, phone, or Facebook page
Occupation:I’ve owned and operated an insurance agency since 2001.
Education:Currently a student at
Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought, with years):Yes. Elected twice to the school board, 2009 and 2013.
Please list the highlights of your civic involvement/activism in the city of Fort Worth:Primarily active in our church, political clubs, and our kids’ sporting activities.
Have you ever been arrested, charged with a crime or otherwise been part of a criminal proceeding? If yes, please explain:No
Have you been involved in a civil lawsuit or bankruptcy proceeding? If yes, please explain:No
Who are your top three campaign contributors?:All my donors are private individuals who have donated under
Why are you seeking this office?:I grew up in the Northwest. Believe me, I have seen firsthand what bad, leftist politics will do to a city. Everything gets worse with bad government — crime, homelessness, taxation, endless regulations, high-density congestion, and even city streets are worse.
I want to make sure the same bad ideas we left behind don’t take root here
What are the biggest challenges facing the city of Fort Worth?:How to properly grow. I want
If elected, what would your top 3 policy priorities be?:
1. Conservative government. I will resist leftist policies that are destroying most of America’s urban centers.
2. Lower property taxes
3. Oppose high-density growth in the 7th district and instead focus on family-style neighborhoods.
How will you measure your success as council member?:If I did what I said I would do, and if I was able to find others to work toward the same goals.
Why should voters choose you over your opponents?:Trustworthy experience. Too often, once candidates become elected officials, they don’t turn out to be who you thought they were.
Voters won’t have to worry about that with me. Of the three candidates, I have the longest track record of working as a grassroots activist on the issues that we conservatives care about. I have a 30-year history of working in office, being elected, writing, speaking, and working on individual liberty and conservative government issues. I have already stood strong under pressure.
As a strong fiscal conservative, I will work to make government efficient in how it spends money, and I know that most problems can’t be solved by government. The
How will you reduce the city’s reliance on residential property taxes?:
I’ll answer this partly here, and then also in the next question.
I would like to see us freeze spending in most areas. We won’t even have to cut unilaterally, but due to the continuing increase in sales tax revenues, we could cut back on property tax collections at a corresponding rate.
Over time, we would see income taxes not just stop rising, but actually decrease, and reduce the reliance on them.
What’s your plan to lower property taxes and not just the tax rate?:
We have to make reduced spending a priority, not just lip service. A few ideas:
As an example, the
How should
How should the city approach development in areas of district 7 with inadequate infrastructure?:Development should be slowed until the infrastructure can handle it.
I live off of
There isn’t even a shoulder to use, and I regularly see people (including children) walking in the weeds next to the road just trying to get somewhere. It’s very dangerous and needs to be improved.
What should the city do to improve police and fire response times in far north Fort Worth?:I haven’t had any voters mention this issue as a priority in the 7th district. I would not spend city money on this at this time. I will focus on the top essentials.
What (if anything) should the city do to make it easier for locally-owned small businesses to flourish in Fort Worth?:Low taxes and regulations are the main things any government can do to create a good business environment. That said, I oppose tax credits that benefit just certain big businesses. We need an even playing-field and the same great business environment for all businesses, not handouts to a small group.
Lastly, roads need to be well maintained. If people hate driving around town because of the traffic bottle-necks, that is hard on businesses that rely on those customers.
All the recent construction seems to be just housing, but we need commercial services to utilize, also. That type of development brings a charm and quality of life that many voters have told me they’d like to see out our way. I’d want to help make that happen.
What’s the appropriate balance between Fort Worth’s rapid growth and its culture as the “largest small town in America?”:I addressed that a little in the last question, but I also believe
What should
What needs to be done in the wake of the Aaron Dean trial to improve community-police relations?:Though the Atatiana Jefferson story was a tragic incident, thankfully it was an exception, not the norm. What I’m hearing from the community is that people believe the police are doing a good job of working with the community and stopping criminals. They have a tough job and as a group are performing well.
How would you assess the performance of city manager David Cooke?:I don’t have an opinion on this at this time.
Best way for voters to reach you:Website or call me at 817-503-6341
Occupation:Retire Miliary, Small Business Owner
Education:GED, Military, Plumbing
Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought, with years):No
Please list the highlights of your civic involvement/activism in the city of Fort Worth:Board member of nonprofit that assisted in training first responders, President of
Have you ever been arrested, charged with a crime or otherwise been part of a criminal proceeding? If yes, please explain:No
Have you been involved in a civil lawsuit or bankruptcy proceeding? If yes, please explain:No
Who are your top three campaign contributors?:Mostly self-funded
Why are you seeking this office?:I actually want to work on the problems that we face on a day-to-day basis.
What are the biggest challenges facing the city of Fort Worth?:Infrastructure is the biggest issue in
If elected, what would your top 3 policy priorities be?:Infrastructure, Property Tax, Safety
How will you measure your success as council member?:By standing true to my commitment, I have made to the citizens of
Why should voters choose you over your opponents?:I can properly represent everyone in the district without a conflict of interest. I ultimately want the best for my District and the city.
How will you reduce the city’s reliance on residential property taxes?:Cut wasteful spending!
What’s your plan to lower property taxes and not just the tax rate?:Currently, there are no incentives for department heads to save money. Actually, it’s the opposite. They’re incentivized to spend their entire budget to ensure that they receive the same, or more, during the next budget cycle. We should look for ways to encourage fiscal responsibility within each department and pass the savings on to our taxpayers.
How should
How should the city approach development in areas of district 7 with inadequate infrastructure?:If the infrastructure cannot support more development, then there is no option. The only answer for more and new development is by focusing on our infrastructure.
What should the city do to improve police and fire response times in far north Fort Worth?:Again, Infrastructure is key, and most times needed before rapid growth. Traffic in
What (if anything) should the city do to make it easier for locally-owned small businesses to flourish in Fort Worth?:As a business owner I support small business and believe we should foster an environment for them to thrive. Every business is there to make a profit. As a city if we provide a clean safe environment where people want to call home, business will come.
What’s the appropriate balance between Fort Worth’s rapid growth and its culture as the “largest small town in America?”:By electing people who actually care about the citizens and the city. I encourage people to reach out to me, in fact I have advertised my cell phone on my website so that folks can reach me directly. I want to hear from people, and I want to hear their concerns.
Doesn’t get more small town than that!
What should
What needs to be done in the wake of the Aaron Dean trial to improve community-police relations?:More community involvement and investing in quality police training.
How would you assess the performance of city manager David Cooke?:I have not had the opportunity to work with him directly but look forward to getting things moving into the right direction. Once elected I will be more than happy to follow up about his performance.
Best way for voters to reach you:[email protected]
Education:Master of Business Administration, Master of Liberal Art, and Bachelor of Science Degrees from TCU
Have you run for elected office before? (Please list previous offices sought, with years):No
Please list the highlights of your civic involvement/activism in the city of Fort Worth:My husband James & I are very active in the PTO’s efforts in our sons’ school. Also, in addition to serving on state, civic and nonprofit boards, the majority of my professional career has been focused on giving back to the
I have been very active in my neighborhood association including a joint effort last year with neighbors working with the
State and local community boards I have served on include being a Governor’s Appointee on the Texas Social Workers Examination Board, TCU Addran Board of Visitors,
Have you ever been arrested, charged with a crime or otherwise been part of a criminal proceeding? If yes, please explain:No
Have you been involved in a civil lawsuit or bankruptcy proceeding? If yes, please explain:No
Who are your top three campaign contributors?:My campaign contributions are primarily from neighbors and friends with whom I have served side by side on various community projects. I am also endorsed by both the
Why are you seeking this office?:To be an effective leader and voice for my neighbors.
What are the biggest challenges facing the city of Fort Worth?:Our main challenges are those of stewardship— ensuring proper city services and infrastructure in our existing neighborhoods while also making sure our City’s explosive growth doesn’t outpace the infrastructure required for new growth. These concerns include ensuring appropriate streets, sidewalks, parks, water, prompt police, fire and emergency medical response times, reduction of our city’s property tax rate, and other all such concerns which impact our existing and new neighborhood, community and city quality of life as well as our city’s local economic well-being.
If elected, what would your top 3 policy priorities be?:
Neighborhood quality of life, including public safety and traffic mobility
Lowering property tax rates
Ensuring proper infrastructure to support our existing and newer neighborhoods
How will you measure your success as council member?:First, by how well I listen and deliver for my neighbors. The local things count–listening to problems with traffic, crime, and development in every neighborhood and then making those concerns heard and acted upon.
Why should voters choose you over your opponents?:I am well prepared to fight for
How will you reduce the city’s reliance on residential property taxes?:By doing three things: Reducing our city’s property tax rate, only supporting budgets which prioritize essential city services, and by supporting the state’s current and ongoing efforts with delivering responsible and effective property tax valuation appraisal reforms.
What’s your plan to lower property taxes and not just the tax rate?:We must run the City like you run a home or business. In other words, we must live within our means. Additionally, we should only support economic growth, and local tourism efforts, which have a positive financial impact on our city and are either revenue neutral or will help stimulate the local economy such that it helps with lower existing homeowner property tax rates.
How should
How should the city approach development in areas of district 7 with inadequate infrastructure?:The same as above.
What should the city do to improve police and fire response times in far north Fort Worth?:Response times matter. We need to do whatever it takes to guarantee to our citizens, that police, fire, and ambulance response will be timely. This requires sufficient management, staffing and proper allocation of our resources including stations and equipment. Also, this concern requires an acknowledgment of the reality that if traffic congestion (especially in the areas of our city outside
What (if anything) should the city do to make it easier for locally-owned small businesses to flourish in Fort Worth?:A skilled and educated workforce is key to an empowered local economy. With this said, our local school districts,
What’s the appropriate balance between Fort Worth’s rapid growth and its culture as the “largest small town in America?”:Despite now being the 13th largest city in America,
What should
What needs to be done in the wake of the Aaron Dean trial to improve community-police relations?:Our
How would you assess the performance of city manager David Cooke?:I have not had the occasion to work directly with our City Manager. This said, the challenges facing
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