GIKEN, Originator of Implant Method, Achieves Listing on First Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange
Photo1: A retaining wall installed on a steep railway embankment
Photo2: The Silent Piler, a virtually noise- and vibration-free hydraulic press-in machine
The "press-in principle" refers to the mechanism whereby piles are installed using static load generated from hydraulic rams, with the reaction force derived from the extraction resistance force of previously-installed piles. One of the biggest advantages of using this principle is the ability to leverage a small machine to yield significant energy using the power of the Earth. This Implant Method, which utilizes Silent Pilers, has built an extensive track record across 37 countries worldwide.
Further, underground spaces created by the Press-in Method now house 50 Eco-cycle parking facilities across 19 locations in
Photo3: ECO Cycles, or anti-seismic underground bicycle-parking system, installed in
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