EDITORIAL: BUDGET | Democrats' plan speaks to fairness
Aug. 15—Some details of the
For years
That's pretty good for starters.
The bill would provide free pre-K child care, free two years of community college and provide green cards to millions of immigrants so they could work and pay taxes.
That would solve some of the most pressing problems working families have faced for decades: seeing more and more of their shrinking earnings going to rising child care and college tuition costs.
It would extend tax credits, not to corporations, but to families with children, something the
Since the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, some 31 million Americans now have health care they can afford, and insurance companies can longer deny care for pre-existing conditions, another provision widely supported by
And while the
Subsidies and tax credits are as American as apple pie, and corporations have long been at the trough. The annual federal government "tax expenditure" report, for example, shows a
Compare that to tax credits for lower income families at
There remain hurdles for the
Still, the fairness quotient of the plan is undeniable. For the middle class, the plan could bring back the Roosevelt first election theme of "Happy days are here again."
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