DSCC: Ahead of Anniversary, Senate Republicans' Pledge to Overturn ACA Would Spike Health Care Costs & Jeopardize Coverage Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions
Ahead of the twelve-year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) this week,
See for yourself:
* Sen.
* The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, the party's
* "Voters are learning exactly what
* Johnson has been a staunch foe of Obamacare since launching his political career.
* Even as Sen.
* Johnson is facing one of the tightest reelection contests in the country.
* One thing Johnson wants to do? Circle back to repealing Obamacare. Johnson blamed Republican leaders for failing to repeal and replace Obamacare during
* Now Sen.
* To millions of Americans who have benefited from subsidized health insurance premiums, Johnson's message amounts to: Tough luck.
* That would be a very big deal!
* Taking the ACA away -- or even talking about taking it away -- then is politically unwise.
* The problem for Johnson -- and for McConnell and other members of Republican leadership -- is that Johnson initially said what he said, which sounded a whole lot like
* It's the latest problem for McConnell caused by members of his own conference, a series of self-inflicted wounds that give
* Just four years ago,
* It was easy to imagine other
* Sen.
* Johnson told the
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