Data on Managed Care and Specialty Pharmacy Detailed by Researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital (Impact of Pharmacist Alternative Therapy Interventions In a Pediatric Medicaid Population): Drugs and Therapies – Managed Care and Specialty Pharmacy
2023 SEP 11 (NewsRx) -- By a
Financial support for this research came from
Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research from Nationwide Children’s Hospital, “Accountable care organizations (ACOs) incorporate pharma-cists as members of their population health teams to assist with these efforts. These ACO pharmacists are uniquely positioned to assist pediatric ambulatory care pharmacists with medication access concerns. This collabora-tion has the potential to not only improve patient care but also provide cost savings.To estimate cost savings to an ACO derived from alternative therapy interventions made by pharmacists embed-ded in pediatric ambulatory clinics, using resources created by ACO pharmacists, within a pediatric Medicaid population. The secondary objectives were to quantify the frequency of alternative therapy inter-ventions provided by these pharmacists, evaluate the impact on medication access through the avoidance of prior authorizations (PAs), and assess the frequency and cost sav-ings of alternative therapy interventions per treatment category. This was a retrospective review of alternative therapy interventions provid-ed by pediatric ambulatory care pharmacists within a health-system in central
According to the news editors, the research concluded: “The use of ACO prescribing resources can result in cost savings to an ACO and PA avoidance within a pediatric Medicaid population.”
This research has been peer-reviewed.
For more information on this research see: Impact of Pharmacist Alternative Therapy Interventions In a Pediatric Medicaid Population.
The news correspondents report that additional information may be obtained from
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