Congressional Research Service: 'National Flood Insurance Program – Current Rating Structure & Risk Rating 2.0' (Part 2 of 2)
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(Continued from Part 1 of 2)
Proposed Rating Structure Under Risk Rating 2.0
How the NFIP Will Determine Flood Insurance Premiums
NFIP premiums calculated under Risk Rating 2.0 reflect an individual property's flood risk, in contrast to the current rating system in which properties with the same NFIP flood risk are charged the same rates. This involves the use of a larger range of variables than in the current rating system, both in terms of modeling the flood risk and also in assessing the risk to each property.
Risk Modeling
The current rating system includes only two sources of flood risk: the 1%-annual-chance fluvial flood and the 1%-annual-chance coastal flood./51 In contrast, Risk Rating 2.0 incorporates a broader range of flood frequencies and sources, including pluvial flooding (flooding due to heavy rainfall), flooding due to tsunami,
According to
The first stage of catastrophe modeling is to generate a stochastic event set, which is a database of simulated events. Each event is characterized by a probability of occurrence (event rate) and geographic area affected. Thousands of possible event scenarios are simulated, based on realistic parameters and historical data, to model probabilistically what could happen in the future. The hazard component of catastrophe models quantifies the severity of each event in a geographical area, once the event has occurred. An event footprint is generated, which is a spatial representation of hazard intensity from a specific event. For example, a model could calculate the peak wind speeds at each location affected by hurricane winds. Property vulnerability is modeled using mean damage ratios (MDRs), which are losses expressed as a percent of value, for a given hazard level (e.g., hurricane wind speed) and location. MDRs give the average percentages of damage that are expected for a structure with the characteristics input into the model. Finally, a financial or insurance module quantifies the financial consequences of each event from various financial perspectives. The policy terms such as deductibles, limits, and reinsurance are applied to the damage from each insured property from the vulnerability model to calculate the allocation of the loss amount./58
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55 Risk Rating 2.0 Methodology, pp. 8-10.
57 Ibid.
58 Ibid., pp. 9-10.
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In the first stage of Risk Rating 2.0 modeling,
Geographic and Structural Variables
Geographical variables used in Risk Rating 2.0 include the distance to water and the type of water (e.g., river, lake, or coast), the drainage area of the river, whether or not the structure is on a barrier island or behind a levee, and the elevation of the structure relative to the flooding source.
The structural variables used by
Replacement Cost Value
In the current NFIP rating system, rates are based on the amount of insurance purchased for a structure/61 rather than the replacement cost of that structure. For most actuarially-rated structures, the NFIP classifies the first
The two-tiered rating structure was used by the NFIP for two reasons. First, it ensured that the premium collected is sufficient to cover the typical claim, even if a policy is under-insured; according to
Secondly, it encouraged policyholders to insure their structure fully. By charging a low additional rate, policyholders are encouraged not just to insure a typical claim, but to insure against the unlikely but possible higher claim.
For much of the NFIP's existence, the two-tiered rating structure operated with minimal inequity. However, as the range of replacement values widened, particularly through the 2000s, the potential for inequity caused by rating based on coverage instead of structure value grew.
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59 Risk Rating 2.0 Methodology, p. 16.
60 Risk Rating 2.0 Methodology, pp. 11-14.
61 The maximum coverage offered by the NFIP for single-family dwellings (which also includes single-family residential units within a 2-4 family building) is
62 Flood zone AE is the area subject to inundation by the 1% annual-chance-flood when information about the BFE is available. See
64 Email correspondence from FEMA Congressional Affairs staff,
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Two groups are most subject to inequity. First, structures whose value is closer to the
When replacement cost value is used in setting NFIP premium rates, it is anticipated that those structures with higher replacement costs than current local or national averages would begin paying more for their NFIP coverage than those structures that are below the average, which would pay less. According to
Mitigation Credits in Risk Rating 2.0
According to
1. installing flood openings according to the criteria in 44 C.F.R. Sec.60.3;/67
2. elevating onto posts, piles, and piers; and
3. elevating machinery and equipment above the lowest floor./68
Currently the only mitigation activities for which the NFIP gives premium credit are elevating a structure and flood-proofing under certain circumstances./69
Risk Rating 2.0 could encourage
individual policyholders to do more to mitigate the flood risk for their property by introducing credit for a wider range of mitigation activities.
Risk Rating 2.0 and Flood Zones
Flood zones will not be used in calculating a property's flood insurance premium following the introduction of Risk Rating 2.0; instead, the premium is calculated based on the specific features of an individual property. However, flood zones will still be needed for floodplain management purposes; for example, all new construction and substantial improvements to buildings in Zone V must be elevated on pilings, posts, piers, or columns./70 The boundary of the SFHA will still be required for the mandatory purchase requirement. The FIRM map appeal/71 process will still exist, but once Risk Rating 2.0 begins, map appeals are not to have any effect on the premium that a policyholder pays.
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65 Ibid.
66 Email from FEMA Congressional Affairs staff,
67 44 C.F.R. Part 60, Criteria for Land Management and Use, at
68 CRS briefing from
69 See FEMA, Flood Insurance Manual, 3. How to Write, pp. 3-67 to 3-70, revised
70 44 C.F.R. Sec.60.3(e)(4).
71 See FEMA, Appeals and Protests, at
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In addition, the category of Preferred Risk Policy (PRP) is being retired under Risk Rating 2.0. When a PRP policy is renewed under Risk Rating 2.0, if the full risk-based rates are greater than the PRP rate, the premium will begin increasing until it reaches the full risk-based rate. If the new rate under Risk Rating 2.0 is less than the PRP rate, the lower premium will be charged at renewal./73
Maximum Premium Increases Under Current Statute
The changes introduced in HFIAA permit individual property increases of up to 18%, but limits the rate class/76 increases to 15% per year./77 In other words, the average annual premium rate increase for primary residences within a single risk classification rate may not be increased by more than 15% a year, while the individual premium rate increase for any individual policy may not be increased by more than 18% each year./78 Other categories of properties are required to have their premium increased by 25% per year until they reach full risk-based rates: this includes (1) nonprimary residences; (2) nonresidential properties; (3) business properties; (4) properties with severe repetitive loss;/79 (5) properties with substantial cumulative damage;/80 and properties with substantial damage81 or substantial improvement after
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72 CRS briefing from
73 See National
74 42 U.S.C. Sec.4015(a).
75 42 U.S.C. Sec.4015(e).
76 A single rate class (or risk classification) is a group of properties with the same flood risk classification; for example, pre-FIRM properties or properties with the newly mapped subsidy.
77 The chargeable risk premium rate for any property may not be increased by more than 18% per year (except in certain circumstances, which are listed); see 42 U.S.C. Sec.4015(e)(1). The chargeable risk premium may not be increased by an amount that would result in the average of such rate increases for properties within the risk classification exceeding 15% of the average of the risk premium rate for properties within the risk classification; see 42 U.S.C. Sec.4015(e)(3).
78 For example, the average annual premium increase for pre-FIRM primary residences cannot be more than 15%, but an individual pre-FIRM primary residence could have an increase of up to 18% due to particular characteristics of the structure.
79 Severe repetitive loss properties are those that have incurred four or more claim payments exceeding
80 A property with substantial cumulative damage is any property that has incurred flood-related damage in which the cumulative amounts of payments under the NFIP equaled or exceeded the fair market value of such property. See 42 U.S.C. Sec.4014(a)(2)(C).
81 44 C.F.R. Sec.59.1 defines "substantial damage" as damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before-damaged condition would equal or exceed 50% of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. For additional discussion of substantial damage, see FEMA Fact Sheet, NFIP "Substantial Damage"--What Does It Mean? at
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It is notable, however, that
Table 1 shows the effects of a maximum statutory increase on the national average premium for a Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP) subject to an 18% increase and a 25% increase, respectively. This figure includes the amounts charged to provide building coverage, contents coverage, Increased Cost of Compliance (ICC) coverage, and SRL premium if applicable. It also reflects any optional deductibles the policy selected, Community Rating System discounts where applicable, and the severe repetitive loss premium where applicable./84 According to
For an SFIP primary residence, the maximum 18% increase would be calculated on the premium of
An SFIP for a property subject to a 25% increase on the initial premium of
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82 Email from FEMA Congressional Affairs staff,
84 Ibid. Please note that according to
85 Email from FEMA Congressional Affairs staff,
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[See link at end of text for Table 1. Maximum Increases on an Average NFIP Premium]
Source: Calculated by the
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Risk Rating 2.0 and NFIP Cross-Subsidies
The current three categories of properties which pay less than the full risk-based rate (pre-FIRM, newly-mapped, and grandfathered) are determined by the date when the structure was built relative to the date of adoption of the FIRM, rather than the flood risk or the ability of the policyholder to pay. As proposed, the new rating system will not eliminate the three categories, nor the process of phasing out subsidies which began with BW-12, but rate changes will not necessarily be uniform within each category. Premiums for individual properties will be tied to their actual flood risk rather than the flood zone, but the maximum rate at which the subsidies will be phased out will continue to be constrained by law.
In general, Risk Rating 2.0 is expected to lead to the reduction of cross-subsidies between NFIP policyholders, and the eventual elimination of premium subsidies and cross-subsidies once all properties are paying the full risk-based rate. However, certain noninsurance activities of the NFIP are funded by cross-subsidies from NFIP policyholders' premiums. For example, through a program called the Community Rating System (CRS),
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86 42 U.S.C. Sec.4022(b)(1).
87 See FEMA, NFIP Community Rating Coordinator's Manual 2017, at
88 Email correspondence from FEMA Congressional Affairs staff,
90 Email correspondence from FEMA Congressional Affairs staff,
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About 72% of the resources from the FPF are allocated to flood mapping, with floodplain management receiving about 18% of the overall income from the FPF./91
Initial Information on Impact of Risk Rating 2.0
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91 Email correspondence from FEMA Congressional Affairs staff,
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[See link at end of text for Figure 1. Percentage Change in NFIP Premiums by State Under Risk Rating 2.0]
Source: Calculated by CRS from state profiles at
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According to
For the first year of Risk Rating 2.0 implementation,
According to
Concluding Observations
For example, the use of distance to water, rather than flood zone, may mean that premiums for properties at the landward boundary of an SFHA could go down, while premiums for a property at the water boundary could go up./98
Risk Rating 2.0 is projected to lead to premium increases for 77% of NFIP policyholders,/99 which could raise questions of affordability. When the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 went into effect, constituents from multiple communities expressed concerns about the elimination of lower rate classes, arguing that it created a financial burden on policyholders, risked depressing home values, and could lead to a reduction in the number of NFIP policies purchased./100 Similar concerns may be expressed with Risk Rating 2.0. Although risk-based price signals could give policyholders a clearer understanding of their true flood risk, charging actuarially sound premiums may mean that insurance for some properties is considered unaffordable, or that premiums increase at a rate which may be considered to be politically unacceptable.
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94 Provided by FEMA Congressional Affairs staff for CRS briefing on Risk Rating 2.0,
95 Email from FEMA Congressional Affairs staff,
96 Email from FEMA Congressional Affairs staff,
98 For example, imagine a hypothetical V zone which starts at the ocean front and extends to two miles inland, with the boundary between the A zone and the V zone at the two-mile mark. A property that is 1.95 miles inland which was mapped in the V zone should see its premium go down, whereas a property that is 2.05 miles inland, and mapped in the A zone, should see its premium go up.
101 National Flood Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2021, at; posted by
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