Coastal Flood Resilience Project Issues White Paper Entitled 'Reforming the Community Rating System'
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The NFIP allows local communities to adopt local ordinances to reduce flooding based on
Under the CRS, local governments that participate in the NFIP are eligible to take measures, in addition to those minimum measures required by
Although the CRS has encouraged the adoption of flood resilience measures beyond minimally required measures in many communities, the program is not prepared to meet the challenges of a changing climate and needs major reform.
Key recommended changes to the CRS, focused on the coastal flood resilience and sea level rise aspects of the program, are:
1. Shift Selected CRS Measures to NFIP Local Ordinances: To meet the increasing coastal flood risks associated with a changing climate,
2. Add New CRS Measures Addressing Sea Level Rise and Relocation: As CRS measures shift to local ordinances,
3. Address Social Justice Challenges in CRS: Wealthy communities are better able to manage the administrative burdens of the CRS program than are less wealthy communities and costs of premium discounts are paid by policyholders in non-CRS communities.
Background: Coastal Flooding and Sea Level Rise
More Severe Coastal Storms: Coastal storms are a major risk to life and property and a warming climate is causing an increase in the number of the strongest storms. These storms bring more extensive coastal flooding, higher storm surges, and increased rainfall. Research indicates that intense storms are slowing down and thus raining on a given place for longer. Even as storms move more slowly, they intensifying more rapidly, making their landfall harder to predict and more likely to result in major damage and loss of life.
Steadily Rising Sea Level: Sea level rise around the globe is likely to be 3 to 4 feet by 2100 but may be as high as 6 to 8 feet if efforts to control emissions of greenhouse gases falter. Sea level rise along parts of the American coast will be as much as 30 percent greater than the global average due to factors such as ocean currents and land subsidence. Unfortunately, past and continuing releases of greenhouse gases will cause sea level to rise long after 2100. The
Impacts of More Severe Storms and Rising Seas on Communities: More severe storms and rising seas will bring economic, environmental, and social disruption to coastal communities on an unprecedented scale.
In the short term, coastal communities can expect more "sunny day flooding" during high tides and larger surges and greater flooding during storms. In the longer-term, all or parts of hundreds of coastal communities face far more extensive flooding than they currently experience. The combination of more severe storms and rising seas is projected to result in potential losses of coastal property running into trillions of dollars. These loss estimates, however, are based on the existing population along the coast are likely to rise as population along the coast increases.
Many disadvantaged communities are among those in harm's way. These communities are disproportionately affected by climate change including sea level rise, flooding, and extreme coastal weather events, and often lack the resources to respond to these risks. A definition of disadvantaged communities is provided in this memorandum implementing the Biden administration Justice40 Initiative.
Today, the CRS is not effective in strengthening local flood resilience measures, is not effectively promoting adoption of the measures needed to respond to climate change (i.e., more severe storms and rising sea), and favors wealthy communities and policyholders over others.
* Problem: The CRS does not effectively accomplish its goal of strengthening local flood resilience measures. Recommendation:
* Problem: The CRS menu of measures does not effectively promote measures to respond to a changing climate, including more severe storms and rising sea level. Recommendation:
* Problem: The cost of premium discounts provided by the CRS are paid by policyholders not participating in the CRS and, because of the high administrative burden of the program, most participating communities are wealthy.
1. Shift Selected CRS Measures to NFIP Local Ordinances
The goal of the CRS is to encourage local communities to adopt flood resilience measures beyond those already required to be included in local flood ordinances adopted as a requirement of participating in the NFIP in exchange for premium discounts for policyholders in the community.
The CRS manual presents an impressive array of useful flood reduction measures. Unfortunately, just at the time they are most needed, the implementation of these measures is limited. An evaluation of the CRS in 2017 found that almost 70 percent of policyholders were in CRS communities, but only 6.5 percent of all NFIP communities participated. In addition, many of these participating communities had adopted only a few of the many optional measures. About half the participating communities had only adopted CRS measures sufficient to be in class 8 or 9 out of 10 (i.e., adopted few measures) and only seven of the nearly 1,500 communities participating had obtained the class 1 ranking that earns the highest, 45 percent premium discount.
Given the now higher and growing fiscal stakes for the federal government, it is critical that
A better strategy is for
Special consideration should be given to shifting measures related to future flood conditions, such as more severe coastal storms and rising seas. Examples of CRS measures related to sea level rise that should considered for shifting to become mandatory under local ordinances include:
* credit for using regulatory flood elevations that reflect future conditions, including sea level rise;
* credit in section 322.c for communities that provide information about areas (not mapped on the FIRM) that are predicted to be susceptible to flooding in the future because of climate change or sea level rise;
* credit in section 342.d requiring prospective buyers of a property inquiring about risks be advised of the potential for flooding due to climate changes and/or sea level rise;
* credit in section 412.d when the community's regulatory map is based on future-conditions hydrology, including sea level rise; - credit is provided in Section 432.k when a community accounts for sea level rise in managing its coastal A Zones;
* credit in section 452.b for a coastal community whose watershed master plan addresses the impact of sea level rise and related conditions; and
* credit provided in Section 512.a, Steps 4 and 5, for flood hazard assessment and problem analysis that address areas likely to flood and flood problems that are likely to get worse in the future, including climate change or sea level rise.
Improvements to local NFIP ordinances should be supported by expanded efforts to improve implementation of the ordinances. There is evidence of compliance rates in the range of 70 - 85 percent. Although
Finally, a challenge that arises in shifting measures out of the CRS is that the total score for a community will be reduced along with premium discounts. To address this, communities should have the option of adopting other CRS measures from the menu and changes to existing discounts should be deferred for a three-year period to give communities a chance to consider other measures. Note that recommendation #2 below proposes the addition of new measures which increases options for communities wishing to maintain discounts at prior levels.
2. Add New CRS Measures Addressing Sea Level Rise, Managed Retreat and Relocation
In response to this challenge,
* giving increased credit for existing CRS measures to address sea level rise;
* strengthen credit for natural infrastructure;
* adding new measures to encourage managed retreat planning and relocation to higher ground; and
* adding measures for preparing to receive people relocating from risky areas.
Community compliance with adopted CRS measures has been identified as a matter of concern in a study of overall compliance with NFIP standards and
A. Increase Credit for Measures to Address Sea Level Rise: The CRS Manual describes measures and the credit or points associated with implementation of each measure.
Recommendation #1 in the White Paper proposes shifting many of these credits into mandatory local ordinances. Where a decision is made to retain an activity as a CRS credit rather than a mandatory element of a local ordinance,
B. Strengthen Credit for Natural Infrastructure: Protecting natural infrastructure, such as beaches and wetlands, can play a critical role in buffering communities from storm surges and providing temporary protection from rising seas. Low impact development practices, such as a living shoreline, bio-retention systems, pervious pavers, street-side swales, and ground level cisterns can help moderate flooding. These practices will be increasingly important as storms become more severe and sea level rises in the coming decades.
The CRS now provides limited credit for preservation of natural infrastructure and implementation of low impact development practices.
C. Add or Strengthen Measures to Encourage Managed Retreat and Relocation to Higher Ground: The CRS currently includes measures related to acquisition of at-risk property and relocation. As sea level rise accelerates in the decades ahead, periodic and temporary storm flooding will be replaced by permanent inundation of large coastal areas. Some of these areas may have the deep financial resources or favorable geography to make building protection structures feasible as a short-term solution. Most coastal areas, however, will need to relocate to higher ground as sea level rises.
There are several constraints on adoption of measures related to relocation. Of course, relocation is seen as a last resort by many people and local governments shy away from proposing these measures. In addition, implementing these voluntary measures has the effect of reducing the number of property owners benefiting from the CRS program because the move out of flood risk areas. With fewer residents to benefit from the CRS program, community officials may be less inclined to invest in maintaining the program.
A special concern is that the CRS measures should encourage elevation strategies that rely on naturally high ground or, where necessary, elevation of existing structures or equipment in ways that do not displace floodwater and damage neighboring property. For example,
In the case of existing relocation CRS measures,
* increase the CRS points now provided for community actions to relocate repetitive loss properties and relocation of properties in high-risk coastal zones (section 520);
* amend the Floodplain Management Planning element of the CRS to include a new element, modelled after the existing Repetitive Loss Area Analysis, giving points for addressing property at risk of sea level rise (section 510); and
* amend the Floodplain Management Planning element of the CRS to include a new element giving points for including in a Floodplain Management Plan consideration of places outside of the floodplain where existing homes and buildings in the floodplain should be relocated or where new construction proposed for a floodplain should be relocated.
D. Add Measures for Preparing to Receive People Relocating from Risky Areas: Today, one of the obstacles people face in thinking about moving away from risky coastal areas is uncertainty about where to go. As people and communities gradually relocate from risky coastal areas it is important that there be places prepared for them to call home. These places might be on higher ground within the same community or in a nearby community.
Uncertainty about where to relocate to can be reduced by investing in preparations to welcome people moving to higher ground. Welcoming measures can include:
* a community statement of intent to welcome relocating communities and businesses;
* access to housing, including affordable housing priced similar to homes people are leaving;
* coordinated relocation of businesses and their employees;
* identification of a local government office and official to coordinate relocation and receiving matters;
* adoption of zoning code provisions identifying areas where relocated people and businesses can relocate; and
* relocation of cultural institutions and historic structures.
3. Address Social Justice Challenges of CRS
In addition to promoting local adoption of flood resilience measures, the CRS has the effect of lowering premiums for policyholders in participating communities, wealthy or low-income. So, some low-income people get the benefit of lower rates.
Today, however, the CRS program is "cross-subsidized" so that lower premiums paid by policyholders in CRS communities are offset by higher premiums paid by all other policyholders.
Unfortunately, the communities participating in the CRS tend to be wealthy and have the resources needed to manage the administrative costs of applying for CRS credits. In 2017, research found that wealthier communities are more likely than less wealthy communities to participate in the optional CRS program and generally earn more CRS points than other communities. A more recent evaluation of 44 peer reviewed studies of the CRS program concluded:
"Considered together, results indicate that participation in the CRS is greater in places with higher flood risks, population sizes, incomes, owner occupied housing, educational attainment levels, and proportions of senior citizens... Results also demonstrate that CRS participation is lower in places with higher unemployment, poverty, and crime rates and minority populations."
Under the present approach, policyholders in disadvantaged communities not participating in the CRS suffer the increased risks of flooding due to lack of supplemental flood reduction actions. On top of that, they pay increasing premiums that both account for increasing risk and make up the cost of CRS discounts provided to policyholders in CRS communities, putting them at greater risk of needing to sell their homes. Wealthier communities in the CRS program get CRS program flood mitigation measures and relatively lower premiums due to lower risks that are, in effect subsidized by less wealthy non-CRS community policyholders.
A. Shift CRS Costs to All Taxpayers: Today, the discounted premiums due to the CRS impose a cost increase on policyholders in non-CRS communities of about 15 percent. Any expansion of credit values offered for measure implementation or improved community adoption of measures will increase the subsidy. This policy has the unfair and unacceptable effect of essentially shifting NFIP program costs from policyholders in wealthy communities to policyholders in poorer communities.
To address this problem,
It is also reasonable to use general revenues to fund the CRS because all taxpayers benefit from the adoption of flood resilience measures that have the effect of reducing NFIP program losses (likely to be covered eventually by taxpayers) and reducing significant disaster relief costs. Direct funding of the CRS is a good investment for the federal government as well as an effective policy for reducing the inequities in the current system.
Starting in the third year after adoption of annual appropriations for the CRS,
Knowing that the annual cost of the CRS discounts will be lower if some measures are shifted from the CRS credit menu to the mandatory local ordinances (see Recommendation #1),
B. Expand Technical and Financial Support for Disadvantaged Communities:
C. Develop Core Package of CRS Measures for Disadvantaged Communities:
D. Allow Small Communities to Join CRS as a Group: One way to reduce the administrative burdens associated with applying for and managing CRS credits is to allow groups of geographically related small communities to participate in the CRS program as a single entity. A coalition of communities could jointly fund staff to manage the program and support other costs. This group approach would also facilitate provision of federal financial and technical assistance.
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