Charita Goshay: Tsunami warning in Ohio
If you live in
The Batphone doesn't get as many calls as Ohioans are about to receive over the next nine months from pollsters and the competing presidential campaigns.
Presidential politics has never been a dance recital, but 2020 is poised to make all the others look like your Aunt Tillie's quilting club.
Remember the buffalo hunt "In Dances with Wolves?' The riot in "Animal House?" The tsunami of 2004?
Yeah. It's going to be like that.
We know fear and anger always have been the evil stepsisters of presidential politics. Unlike past eras, however, when name-calling, rumors and accusations took their sweet time in getting around, we're in an age when the knife-fighting occurs in real time.
Everyone knows
It has been rumored that because
Well, sure. Because no one shoots off their own toes quite like
So, although we Buckeyes know we're about to be pitched, wooed and inundated, most Ohioans probably are not fully aware of the magnitude of what's coming.
In his new report, investigative journalist
According to Coppins' report, the
We have to suppose this could be done without disinformation, but here we are.
Vote for Jesus!
Every four years, we hand-wring over the tone and tenor of presidential campaigning, whining how we'd like to see more civility, even as we cheer on attacks lobbed against candidates we don't like.
It's tempting to laugh away those hokey, foreign-made attack ads currently saturating social media -- except that they work.
In other words, yes, some people are convinced that a vote for (or against) Candidate X is a vote for (or against) Jesus.
Or Satan. Or Obama.
People are losing friends and family members over conflicting politics. "Agreeing to disagree" is going the way of the buggy whip.
There are campaign paraphernalia, the slogans of which can't be printed in a newspaper. Grandparents proudly wear T-shirts in public that contain obscenities and insults designed to start a bar fight, or your money back.
The worst of these might have been two men spotted in identical T-shirts that read: "Better Russian than a Democrat."
Guess where?
Reach Charita at 330-580-8313 or [email protected].
On Twitter: @cgoshayREP
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