Beware! The UK nationalized healthcare disservice is heading for America
My friend is an English-born naturalized American citizen, and he is troubled.
His brother, who lives in
My friend was so thankful to live in America where these horrors didn't happen, but as the progressive schemes to socialize American healthcare gained strength, he wondered if it was only a matter of time.
There is no doubt Americans are becoming more dependent on government subsidies and government-run healthcare plans.
Combining Medicaid (welfare for the poor),
The Public Option
What's happening to Medicare Physician Payment is ominous.
The government's decision to have another decade of no appreciable physician reimbursement increases will drive change. In the previous decade, physicians accepted no Medicare reimbursement increases because losses due to inflation were minimal and could be matched with increased revenue from private insurance, but with the new progressive 8 to 10% inflation/year, this is no longer a viable option. In plain English, a Medicare patient is not going to be worth seeing, and the lines will start to lengthen.
The Canary in the
All across America in places with a high percentage of Medicare patients, Concierge Medicine is starting to take root. Individuals pay a set yearly fee to join an entity (kind of like a health club) that provides health care. The club consists of a variety of providers with physicians making up the backbone. Other services, including laboratories, x-ray, and cardiology capability, might be on campus.
A quick calculation (based on a real-life
If a group of four top quality physicians was able to each obtain 200 patients paying
What has set America's health care system apart is the vast majority of Americans who have access {only 8% don't} to healthcare (especially Medicare), regardless of race, gender, age, or social-economic status, are treated expeditiously and fairly. People with means don't have a problem if quality care is readily available, and the less fortunate around them also have access. The rub occurs when wealthy people no longer perceive quality care is readily available. They will then find private options (think concierge medicine}. Once this happens, they will no longer have a stake in the average American's healthcare pool and will not care about the system's quality. The natural evolution to a two-tier system will occur with people of means enjoying the present level of service through a private option, while the masses have healthcare rationing. It's not hypothetical, it's happened across the pond and north of our border (think about my English American friend's family) and it's starting to happen here.
We have seen what unchecked progressive elected officials have done with 20 months of power.
Dividing our nation with the discrimination of equity, energy prices sky high, millions of illegals crossing our open borders with sex traffickers, and youth killing Fentanyl coming across daily. Inflation is ravaging people's retirement, destroying their futures. The world is on fire and our great cities have been turned into crime-ridden cesspools. The
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