As Davis Campaigns for Trump in Iowa, Does He Agree It's Time to Cut Medicare and Social Security?
Targeted News Service (Press Releases)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 -- The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee issued the following news release:
Congressman Rodney Davis, who has tied his reelection chances to President Trump, is spending the day out of the district, campaigning for the President in Iowa. This should come as no surprise to Illinoisans who have seen Davis' transformation into a full-on flack for the Washington Republican establishment play out for years - at their expense.
Davis' decision to campaign with the President comes just two weeks after Trump threatened to make cuts to Medicare and Social Security in order to pay for the unpopular tax law Davis helped pass. These cuts would affect more than 138,800 Social Security beneficiaries in Davis' district.
In case you forgot, Davis fell in line as his party voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act and gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions, even falsely claiming that "the Trump Administration has done more to reduce the cost of prescription drugs than any other administration in the last few decades." And when Republicans passed a massive tax scam to help wealthy corporations and his campaign backers, Davis sided with them over working class Illinoisans.
"Rodney Davis has proven the needs and priorities of his constituents take a back seat to his allegiance to Donald Trump, billionaires, and the large corporations that benefit from his policies. As Trump looks to make cuts to Medicare and Social Security, Davis' constituents deserve to know if they, too, are on the chopping block," said DCCC Spokesperson Courtney Rice.
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