Arizona Public Adjuster David Skipton Obtains Prestigious CPCU Designation
For over 30 years,
David tells us of how as a younger man he held himself accountable to being a master at his craft.
"… Before leaving home in the morning I would take good long look in the mirror. Not at how I looked, but straight in the eyes. I would tell myself, 'You are the best at what you do. You will be the best. You will never give up.' Now the reason I would do this is not to psych me up emotionally, it was to hold myself accountable. How could I look at myself the next day if I knew I didn't leave everything I had on the floor and gave it my all? I can't! So, every day I put every bit of me into succeeding."
Even though that may have been long ago, the method has not changed and perhaps it has gotten even stronger.
It's hard to say if this is where David is satisfied with his achievements. However, if there was a bet to be placed, the odds are on the over, "He's not done yet… not even close."
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SOURCE Skipton Claims Management
Bismarck floodplain management improves flood insurance premium discount for residents [The Bismarck Tribune, N.D.]
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