Analysis – NHI Bill – Clause-By-Clause Headbutting Begins in Parliament
In what is expected to become a verbal minefield littered with the usual ideological quips, the members of
There are various themes underlying many of the contentious clauses that are sure to have MPs bump heads as they navigate this process in weeks to come. Spotlighting the issue around access to healthcare services this week, we look at the first leg of the deliberations and issues set to pop up in the next round of deliberations, starting with clause 5 of the Bill next week.
Where we are
The NHI Bill is still under consideration in the
It has been a long road since
So, in theory, the MPs serving on this committee will now, as public representatives armed with these public inputs, have to deliberate on each clause in the bill and propose amendments that will ultimately be voted in or rejected.
But in such a politically contested space as
As it happened
After the committee chair, Dr
With the first verbal shots fired, ANC MP
On that note, the scene was set.
Issues of access
As expected, once MPs eventually got to the more substantive issues in the bill almost two hours after the scheduled start of the meeting, it was at clause 4 where they had their first stop. Clause 4 of the bill lists all those eligible for healthcare services purchased by the
Clause 4 (2), however, then provides for asylum seekers and illegal foreign nationals to only have access to emergency medical services - an issue that various stakeholders raised as a concern during public hearings.
The ANC was first out of the blocks to put forward a proposal on the issue of foreign nationals. ANC MP
This proposal is in line with the public statements made by ANC leaders, notably Health Minister Dr Joe Phaahla who recently, suggested that
In clause 4(3) Xaba proposed that the word "illegal migrant" be replaced by the word "illegal foreigner" and confirmed that he (and later also other ANC MPs in the committee) agrees with the rest of the clause as is.
From the DA camp, MPs reminded the committee of all the international treaties especially as it relates to foreign nationals that
In response, ANC MPs stuck to their guns and advised the opposition MPs to consult existing legislation such as the Refugee Act where these categories of persons are already defined.
And so ended day one of the deliberations with one concrete proposal on the table.
Next stop - clause 5
But the issue of access to healthcare services will not end there and is set to pop up in deliberations on other clauses in the bill - and not just for foreign nationals in meetings to come.
i) Registration
For example, Clause 5 of the bill, which will be under the spotlight next week, provides that those eligible to receive health services as purchased by the fund will have to register at an accredited healthcare service provider or health establishment. This, some stakeholders argued, will automatically disqualify undocumented foreign nationals in the country who do not have the necessary documentation to register. When the committee meets next week, some members are expected to flag this provision calling on those eligible to register only at accredited service providers, as problematic.
ANC MPs, such as Gela thus far during public hearings and briefings on the bill have been consistent in their refrain that under the NHI people would 'be treated equally' when seeking healthcare, no matter their status and that the bill will level an otherwise unequal two-tier, fragmented health system playing field.
During the public hearings, however, some stakeholders argued that the registration requirements in clause 5 will unduly burden rural healthcare users who will have to register but are already struggling to get to facilities in remote areas. In a similar vein, opposition parties like the EFF have been vocal about the state of health infrastructure as among the big barriers to access quality health care - something the party said the bill is not addressing. During an earlier public hearing in
But ANC MPs have dismissed these concerns over access, often by parading clause 7 as sufficient insofar as it provides for "portability of services" when healthcare users are "unable to access the health care service provider or health establishment with whom or at which the user is registered". So this "portability of health care services" according to the bill, means that healthcare users may then access health care services by another accredited service provider. Munyai, during a previous public hearing on the bill, stressed that clause 6 provides for healthcare users "to receive the necessary quality healthcare services free at the point of care from an accredited healthcare provider" upon proof of registration with the Fund. "The health patient registration system," Munyai maintains, "would ensure that all users were registered to access healthcare within their catchment areas. Services would be portable and there would not be area coverage issues."
Even so, questions remain which MPs' deliberations will hopefully clarify. Among these are whether healthcare users will then have to reregister at this other service provider that they access?
ii) Accreditation
The issue of accreditation of health facilities is captured in clause 39 of the bill and will also have implications for access to quality care. The bill requires health facilities and service providers contracted by the Fund to be accredited through the
Some of the pitfalls identified with the accreditation requirements in the bill are that many of the existing public health facilities will possibly not be fully compliant, which means they cannot be contracted as providers by the Fund. This, some institutions such as the
This is something lawmakers will hopefully ruminate on - especially the SAMRC's proposal of adding a sub-clause in s39 that will provide for some kind of provisional accreditation based on a clear plan for improving care and for facilities to meet the standards of full accreditation. This is not just important to ensure continuity of services (access) in cases where facilities do not (yet) meet full accreditation but it will be important to get the focus right for accreditation to not just be a compliance-driven box-ticking exercise, but as a means towards substantively improve quality care.
In this first round of deliberations, none of the MPs explicitly referred to any stakeholder inputs or recommendations relating to the relevant clause that was under discussion, although the sentiments expressed by the DA reflected the concerns expressed in inputs by various civil society organisations. Despite these civil society inputs on the matter, however, the ANC with its first proposal seemed to have opted to toe the party line on how the bill should deal with access to healthcare for foreign nationals.
The committee is expected to continue deliberations on 7 June.
Provisional schedule for NHI deliberations
7 June - 9h30 until 13h00 and 17h30 to 20h30
8 June - 10h00 until 13h00
14 June - 17h00 until 20h30
15 June - 10h00 until 13h00
Next Clauses to deliberate:
Clause 5: Registration as users
(1) A person who is eligible to receive health care services in accordance with section 4 must register as a user with the Fund at an accredited health care service provider or health establishment...
Clause 6: Rights of users
Without derogating from any other right or entitlement granted under this Act or under any other law, a user of health care services purchased by the Fund is entitled, within the State's available and appropriated resources--
Clause 7: Health care services coverage
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Fund, in consultation with the Minister, must purchase health care services, determined by the
READ the bill here.
*NOTE: Apart from attending committee meetings online this analysis also relies heavily on meeting minutes produced by PMG.
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