Ohio High Risk Health Insurance Pool Applications Available August 1
CLEVELAND, July 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Beginning Sunday, August 1, Medical Mutual of Ohio will provide online applications and enrollment information for the state of Ohio's temporary High Risk Pool health insurance program.
On August 1, downloadable application forms and all essential enrollment information will be posted online at www.ohiohighriskpool.com. On Monday, August 2, Ohioans may also request an application and information brochure by calling toll free, 1-877-730-1117. (TTY: 800-982-8109)
Qualified Ohio residents who have been uninsured for six months and have been denied or unable to obtain coverage because of pre-existing medical conditions may apply. Under the High Risk Pool program, qualified applicants will be eligible to receive a range of benefits including primary and specialty care, hospital care and prescription drug coverage.
Funding for this High Risk Pool program is limited, so it is important to submit a fully completed application and required documentation as soon as possible.
Applications must be completed and mailed to Medical Mutual with required documentation and a check or money order for the first month's coverage. Applicants must provide:
- Evidence of a pre-existing condition. Written certification by a licensed physician or nurse practitioner, issued within the past six months. (Medical Records are not required) Or copies of letters or documents from two insurance carriers verifying each carrier has refused to issue creditable coverage within the previous six months, or would issue coverage only with an exclusionary rider.
- Proof of Ohio Residence. (Valid Ohio driver's license, state government ID, payroll stub, Ohio voter registration card, utility bills, rental agreement, Ohio Income Tax Return)
- Proof of U.S. citizenship or a national of the United States or lawfully present in the United States. (Birth certificate, passport or visa)
- To obtain coverage, an applicant must be ineligible for coverage under the federal Medicare program, Medicaid program, Children's Health Insurance Program or an employer-sponsored group health plan, unless subject to a mandatory initial waiting period.
The state of Ohio selected Medical Mutual to administer the plan through an Administrative Services Only (ASO) arrangement with the federal government. These high-risk pools are also referred to as the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plans under the Patient Protection and Affordable CareAct (PPACA).
Founded in 1934, Medical Mutual of Ohio, a mutual health insurer, is the oldest and largest health insurance company based in Ohio. For more than 75 years the company has served its customers through high-quality, affordable group and personal health insurance plans, and third-party administrative services to self-insured group customers. For more information, visit the company's award-winning Web site at www.MedMutual.com.
SOURCE Medical Mutual of Ohio
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