(03.2025) AGM – Chairman and CEO's report
In accordance with article 227 of Law 6/2023, of
Please find attached the report presented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mr.
Meeting held today, so that it is made available to shareholders and the public in general.
General Counsel
Dear shareholders, thank you very much for taking part in this Annual General Meeting and, above all, for the trust you've placed in us for another year.
2024 was a magnificent year for the
As we will see later, the new Strategic Plan deployed last year has driven the achievement of all our public commitments. And all this, despite an environment where inflation, mainly that affecting auto and health insurance, persisted for a large part of last year. Geopolitical conflicts also continued to unbalance economies and curb growth and social prosperity.
It's fair to recognize that large-scale climate events have had a lower impact on our accounts, but we continue to waof the economic consequences of moderate intensity claims, which are becoming more frequent and more unpredictable.
I'd now like to refer to largest catastrophic incident in
Our in-person model, focused on being close to people and the customer, with more than 3,000 offices around the country, always allows us to be very close to everyone, no more than 15 minutes from every Spanish family, close to people when they need us. We've seen how many insured parties from other companies have been rendered absolutely helpless, depending on bank offices, centralized
telephone services and websites, resources that in some cases were closed or collapsed for days on end. Meanwhile, our offices were open, with extended hours, including weekends, and some of them, which had also been destroyed, set up in temporary facilities on the street. And everyone, whether they were insured with us or not, was listened to and attended to, even when, at the same time, the homes or families of employees in our offices were among those affected by the tragedy. We have accompanied, suffered and mourned side by side with our Valencian countrymen and women, and now we're helping to rebuild that beautiful region. This is a huge example of what MAPFRE is, of what we're capable of doing, and of what makes our company different.
With permission, I'll continue now, with a feeling of pride that we all no doubt share, related as it is to the relevant results and progress achieved by the
I will now briefly review what was achieved in the main lines of action of the different regions and units around the world, and I'll also present the main challenges we face in each one of them.
The overall evaluation of 2024 as a historic year for MAPFRE neither puts the brakes on our ambitions nor leads us to minimize the difficulties we face. We are perfectly aware that we haven't yet fully resolved the auto insurance situation in some countries. But the early data from 2025 confirms that we're progressing in the right direction, and that the measures implemented are having the desired effect. We are, of course, doing all this with our customary care and attention so as not to undermine the trust and long-term relationships we've built with customers. But we are a global group, with companies in 38 countries and, as I said, our diversification strengthens us and, thanks to this, the combined ratio last year came in at below 95%, in the lower part of our target range for the three- year period, although the auto loss ratio still has room to improve.
But let's continue to enjoy the story of our progress. Despite the complex and competitive environment, MAPFRE has once again grown more than the market in
join them later on - those that aren't taken in by empty and insulting marketing campaigns, with messaging that sometimes discredits our activity or that of the intermediaries themselves. We know our customers prefer that personal closeness, that direct multichannel advice, both in the office and through the many means we make available to them. And of course, we know that they value the excellence and extreme care that we put into something as basic, but as important, as it is to treat clients well and take care of them as if they were unique, strengthening their loyalty and showing them, through the services we provide, just what they get for their money.
Highlighting business aspects, the development of life, savings and wealth advisory services lines and insurance for companies, where we are also prominent leaders, and where we've delivered good growth and shown a significant improvement in profitability compared to last year. In terms of major opportunities, we should also point out how we're driving the development of bancassurance agreements, with
I could keep going about the many things we do in our home country, but let me close this chapter with something that has just begun and that we can feel very proud of. The Copa del Rey soccer championship was named for the first time, and the name it carries is Copa del Rey MAPFRE, because we're the exclusive sponsors of this exciting tournament, a situation that is replicated in the final of the Copa de la Reina. We identify very strongly with what the leading global sport represents. Specifically, this tournament, in which hundreds of teams, most of them modest in size, and representatives of towns and small cities in our country, strive to progress through the competition and hopefully steal the limelight from the giants. It's the tournament defined by the efforts of many teams whose colors are woby humble players with great pride, who represent the less-populated
2024 was also a good year for MAPFRE Portugal, both in terms of growth and profits.
And, because MAPFRE is different and marches to the beat of its own drum, compared to others that have just one customer service office, and sometimes none, we're expanding our network, as we've already announced, with the addition of more than 300 new offices in the coming three years, adding to the more than 3,000 we already have all over
Let's tunow to
It was an exceptional year in
These excellent figures, which in euros were affected by the depreciation of the Brazilian real, were achieved despite having also dealt with the consequences of the severe flooding in the southeregion of the country. Here, MAPFRE once again demonstrated great resilience and technical management capacity.
It's worth highlighting the excellent results obtained in our joint operation with our partner Banco do
Due to high interest rates, financing and consumption have suffered in the country, which has led to negative GDP growth and a lower distribution of insurance products in banking networks, which has significantly affected
agricultural insurance due to the low price of rural products and farmers' difficulty in financing themselves. In 2025, the country's macroeconomic expectations are very positive, although with significant challenges ahead, such as inflation control and fiscal balance, with high interest rates and exchange rate volatility.
The strategy of MAPFRE Brazil the main focus for the year ahead is growth, so as to ensure market leadership in the lines in which we operate. Continuing to improve operational and commercial efficiency is another of the ongoing challenges for our operation in
In the other Latin American countries, 2024 was also a magnificent year. In practically all countries in the region, except for hyperinflationary economies, very positive technical results were achieved.
good results were also achieved, with a solid profitability and efficiency, implementing shared
In the
The excellent results of
In these circumstances, in
In relation to
However, economic uncertainties of a magnitude not yet sufficiently measured, which we don't believe will affect our company, given that our scale and capabilities allow us to aspire to continue growing profitably, without the
macroeconomic scenario being highly relevant to our development. Inflation had begun to stabilize and was on the road to normalization, awaiting the impact of new protectionist policies, and the prudent cut in rates allowed growth and the labor market to continue showing good strength.
For 2025,
In EMEA, 2024 was particularly complicated due to the high weight of the auto line in this region, which once again experienced a very negative cycle, especially in
And once again, in
As far as other business units go, the excellent performance by the Reinsurance unit deserves special mention, having beaten all previous figures in both premiums and results. One key aspect of this result was undoubtedly the significant lack of high-intensity events, which in itself is no reason to not applaud
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Policy defining the foundations and organizational principles of the MAPFRE Group
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